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westbam last won the day on June 23 2018

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    De Jong
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  1. Wow, that playlist is awesome, not sure why I missed it, many thanks, a lot to learn.
  2. The Push Apart effector. Or indeed, real dynamics, with some follow position.
  3. You should use the Shader Effector. If you feed it a nice noise, low contrast, it is like the random effector on steroids.
  4. I don't wany do the gears math, but you could try to increase the framerate, and than use the frame step to render the normal fps again. Than you can place your keyframes more precise. Other idea is to extending your timeline, so you have 360 * 39 * 28 frames, this you can keyframe easy and correct, and then go back to your desired length (or render your desired length).
  5. Cloned cubes with the logo as object, dynamics to make them fall, but it is played in reversed. The circle is a sweep animation, that last "morph" is done in Post I would imagine. Pretty for sure, learned a lot from the man. What exactly you want to know?
  6. You can do it with c4d, but really, it is way more easy using after effects and the Red Giant Particular plugin.
  7. Why don't you use the Displacement channel in the texture, you need a lot lesser subs for the sphere and animation will go smoother.
  8. You need to model your curved shape in a 'honeycomb' type grid. And then clone on the points of that object. Model it with Quad polygons and follow the first 6 minutes of this tutorial.
  9. You can group Nodes into an X group and Collapse it. That should remove some of the mess. (select the nodes, Right click -> X Group) You can rename Nodes (Use CAPS FOR IMPORTANT ONES!) and set a title Color (use anything else but gray), this will make them stand out. And for future questions, tell us what C4D version you are on.
  10. I never finished something that ambitious, but the way I see it, there are 2 ways to go. The super detailed way like this tutorial series: Or the texture and add stuff in photoshop while using C4D as a basic, like this:
  11. It is not a formula you are missing, it is some logic. You are mixing a looping noise that is traveling along the moving cloner. So the noise field is moving too. You never get that to loop, because the clones loop perfectly, but because you move the Z, the looping part is 1 cube distance away (this doesn't make sense, dunno how to explain it) Anyway, simple fix, you want your noise field space NOT to be as the texture, but as the WORLD. The world is never moving, so you noise field isn't moving either. The noise is looping, so anything you push through it is looped. So, in the Noise in the Shader set the Space field to WORLD. Now the clones move wayyyy to fast, I know, but this is because the world is HUGE, To compensate, set the Global Scale to something absurdly high like 10000 Hope it helps :) edit: and this is not a modeling/sculpting question, this is Mograph.
  12. From top to bottom? (just a quick basic overview) Molten Cheese text, Soft body with perhaps melt deformer with fallof and lazy man booleans for the holes. The Letter O, Sweeps (with rotation) and a sweeped Helix. Yolo Slide, Sweeped Text, Cylinders for the Pillars, Cylinders and Cubes for the holders, cloned stair steps, cloned railing and some stock people. Fun Games, google Mylar Balloons (soft body), Boolean for & in a Cube, Clone cubes over the letter G, Model a Horse, Sweep the Roller coaster, don't know about the M, (just use a texture), Moddel that E and put it in a Subdivision Surface, the bottem of the S are sliced cylinders. A LOT of different techniques and keep in mind the cool look comes from lightning background and textures. But yes, the basics, primitives (cubes cylinders) sweeps and extrudes.
  13. Not really clear what you want, but sweeps and Nulls sounds like a job for the Tracer object. You can trace some Nulls to create a spline and sweep that spline.
  14. What everyone else said, but plus it is AWESOME!!
  15. In the manual of C4D, there is actually this picture: (look for formula (spline) ) And don't forget to look at the Formula (Appendix) in the C4D manual. To understand the syntax a bit better.
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