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Everything posted by DIGITAL MEAT

  1. In this Cinema 4D video tutorial we take a look at how we can set up a scene that looks like a shot from the microscopic world. We use a combination of the Cheen shader, depth of field, and rigid body dynamics to achieve this.
  2. In this cinema 4D Quick Tip tutorial video we take a look at how we can use a spline as a mask for clones. this could be extremely useful if you need to shape your clones or limit where your clones are generated on screen.
  3. In this Cinema 4D Quick Tip we take a look at how we can change the default Quantize settings for move, scale, and rotate. We also take a brief look at the quantize settings for the texture tool.
  4. In This Cinema 4D tutorial we take a look at another C4D tool. This one is called the Transfer tool, it allows us to have one object match another objects position, scale, and rotation, a lot like reset PSR, but we can turn each of these attributes on and off and the object does not have to be a child of the target object. This is tool is very similar to the Quick Align tool in 3DSMax.
  5. In this Cinema 4D Quick Tip we take a look at some really useful viewport commands that will help to speed up workflow and generally make working in Cinema 4D easier.
  6. In this Cinema 4D tutorial video we take a look at inverse ambient occlusion shader. This can be extremely helpful when trying to create edge wear or damage to make objects look more believable. Inverse ambient occlusion can even be used to create a very fast subsurface scattering effect. Check out the video for all the details.
  7. In this Cinema 4D Quick Tip we take a look at a nice elegant way in which we can create a perfect hole in a polygon surface. This method is very quick and eliminates some of the issues that may arise from using a Boolean. We also take a look at using the same method but optimising it for a lower poly mesh more suited to exporting to a game engine.
  8. In this Cinema 4D tutorial we take a look at the Parent Constraint Tag. This tag is an awesome way to animate an object between parents and actually animate the parent on the fly. We also take a good look at the settings in the attributes of the Parent Constraint Tag.
  9. In preparation for my next Cinema 4d tutorial about the Parent Constraint Tag, i thought it would be helpful to some to see how to build and set up a IK driven robotic arm, this will make animating the robotic arm way easier when it has an IK rig.
  10. In this Cinema 4D Quick Tip we take a look at a way in which we can move, scale, or rotate a parent object independently of its children.
  11. In this tutorial we take a look at the Virtual Walkthrough, this tool allows us to navigate our scene like a first person shooter, and it also allows us to record our movements to a path or even a camera.
  12. In this tutorial we take a look at the aerodynamics settings in the dynamics tags, and then use then to make a flying aeroplane.
  13. In this Cinema 4D quick tip you take a look at one of the reasons your viewport orbiting may not be working as expected.
  14. In this tutorial we take a look at the new thin film shader in Cinema 4D R18, each setting within the shader is explained and leads to a result for thin film reflections
  15. In this tutorial we take a look at the new object tracker in Cinema 4D R18, This new feature allows us to track a moving object independently of the scene and replace it with a 3D object.
  16. In this tutorial we take a look at another feature new to Cinema 4D R18, the Push Apart Effector. It's new to the Mograph Module and gives you greater control of clones.
  17. This is the first in a series of tutorials i will be making on the new features and enhancements in Cinema 4d. This tutorial covers the new Viewport enhancements and features.
  18. In this tutorial we take a look at several Dynamic Connectors. These Connectors are the Slider, Twist Slider, Planar and Box. We also use the Slider Connector to make a rough and ready Abbacus.
  19. This is the next in the series of my Dynamic connectors tutorials, in this one we take a look at the Ragdoll and Ball and socket Connectors, then we use them to create a dynamic Ragdoll.
  20. In this very short Quick Tip we take a look at some shortcuts for the timeline and a nifty little way to scrub through the timeline in the Cinema 4D viewport
  21. In this quick tip we take a look at how we can move, rotate and scale an animation path in the cinema 4d viewport.
  22. In the second video of the Dynamic Connectors series we take a look at the Cardan Connector AKA the universal joint to our American friends.This Joint can translate rotational motion through itself to be utilized at another angle.
  23. In this Cinema 4D Tutorial we take a look at the Hinge Dynamic Connector, we learn about its usage and settings. We also make a fully dynamic double pendulum and use the tracer object to create some interesting patterns
  24. In this tutorial we look at the steps we need to take to create caustic lighting in Cinema 4D. It's pretty simple but there are some setting that need to be altered in the render settings, and the light source setting.
  25. In this Cinema 4D Quick Tip we take a look at how we can make an object rotate forever. It is important to note that you do not have to use XPresso to get this to work.
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