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Everything posted by DIGITAL MEAT

  1. I'd wait and see if these new tools are any good, you might find that Rizom UV still meets your needs.
  2. Seem that this is still broken since the last update 😞
  3. Thank you MAXON! It's really nice to know we've been heard. So so glad that you have returned one of the features that separated C4D from the crowd xx
  4. Thank you. Something else to consider, the plane effector might not be the issue, the issue might be the Mograph cache is not being seen, or is not passing information onto the Point Object Field Layer, just a thought.
  5. Much appreciated buddy, I had a good look and couldn't see what the issue was, so I thought, C4DCafe to the rescue! lololol
  6. Hi Dan, thanks for the response. Sorry, I should have been a bit clearer in my original statement. In R21, the simulation of the bouncing spheres plays fine, just as it does in R20, the problem appears to be the plane effector not using Cloner.1's point information being stored in the mograph cache. If it helps, the individual that contacted me has sent a link to the video he was trying to mimic. I'll post it here in the hope it offers some further insight.
  7. I was recently contacted by someone with a rather interesting question regarding the file I've attached to this post. It seems that if you open this file in R20 and hit play, everything behaves as it should do, but, if you open it up with R21 and hit play, nothing happens. I've even reconstructed this setup from scratch to make sure it's not a problem with the file, and i'm getting the same results. Is this a bug with R21 or am I missing something? Any insight would be appreciated. Test.c4d
  8. Thanks buddy, I just hope that I didn't ramble too much, it was really late and I was shooting from the hip. I also really hope that it didn't upset anyone at MAXON, that wasn't the intention, and I know those guys work really hard. The software is still as solid as it ever was, I just think the new sub model is a bit of a turn off for some users.
  9. Yeah, it's pretty late for anyone in Europe, I have to think about the USA because they make up the majority of my audience. so I'm trying to balance a time that'll be ok for both.
  10. Hey Igor, wow, that's really kind of you. To be honest, that didn't even cross my mind so I really appreciate it. I added it to my blog earlier today so hopefully some members have already clocked it.
  11. I know there has been a lot of chatter in the forums since the release of R21, and I've remained pretty quiet so far. Tonight I'm doing a livestream and it would be great to see some of you in the chat so we can discuss the new subscription model, the things we like (and don't) about R21, and also address some of the concerns we might share. The stream takes place 12/09/2019 BST: 11:00PM EDT: 6:00PM PDT: 3:00PM
  12. Thank you Igor. Just to let you know, it appears notifications are broken too, the only reason I'm aware anyone replied to this is because I came here my self, there was no notification in my bell icon that this had replies.
  13. Hey Guys Is anyone having issues with their inbox and messaging on C4DCafe? I have a problem where if i press the "Compose new message" button, I get a popup telling me that my Inbox is full and I need to delete some messages, so I did. I now only have four messages in my inbox and I'm still getting the popup. The best part is I can't even tell an Admin about this issue as I can't send messages lololol
  14. For anyone else viewing this wanting a solution. With a lot of help from Everfresh, we replaced the Aim Constraints with Up Vector Constraints. There is now no Lag and PSR works correctly.
  15. I'm not sure if the message sent or not? after I press send, it refreshes and under your name it says "Everfresh cannot receive messages"
  16. Thanks for the reply, it's much appreciated. can I give you my file in a private message? I don't really want this file out in the wild.
  17. Hey guys, I thought it would be easier to create a video of my issues instead of writing a long explanation.
  18. Ok, I've come up with something a little better, let me know what you think. :D Right Arm Test.c4d
  19. Thanks for the input, but I've actually already achieved this and it's not what I'm looking for. I need the arm to pivot at the elbow (Like an actual arm would) which means I also need the joints and the skin object so the surface deforms properly when the elbow joint rotates, understand?
  20. Here's a scene for you, I've stripped it down to keep things simplified. It contains my rigged & skinned arm. Thanks for taking a look at this, it's much appreciated. Right Arm Test.c4d
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