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    Vellala Wilson
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  1. But you'd think that if the steps per Frame are set to 5 that should be enough to give you the desired gravity. Me too, especially with dynamics
  2. I don't know why I didn't test that but you're right, when I render at 30fps I get what I want out of the gravity...da fuk! Yeah, I need to make the movement look wave-like, the client was playing the footage halftime and this did the job, for the first plant we were doing it worked without a hitch. It's strange to me as the project is at 30 fps and renderer at 60fps but I don't understand why that should affect dynamics but obviously it does. I guess my question needs to be rephrased then, how can I get 60 frames out of 30 frames. Maybe once I bake the dynamics I can stretch the animation out...
  3. They were flat but in the end the client didn't need it...clients huh... Any help on this one pal? @Cerbera
  4. Hi, Can anyone explain why this might be happening? The gravity in the viewport has been tuned perfectly but in the viewport it is completely different (a lot less basically). Here are examples and the file. Cheers, Jai Turnera_v06.c4d
  5. Wow, this changed my life, a decade on Cinema and I did not know this...how? Anymore gems?
  6. Hi, I'm animating a plant, a few of them, each with its own problems it seems. In this case, I'm animating one with multiple leaves that just love intersecting in the wind. I currently have collisions set on the IKs with colliders on all the other leaves that are separated from the main mesh. This isn't the nicest or full proof method I feel. Has anyone else got any idea's of how I might stop intersecting and get nice smooth mesh movement? I need wind, turbulence, collisions and potentially goals to add movement. Cheers in advance! 21_03_28 Hernandia_Test_Dyn_v13.mp4
  7. I guess I could've constrained but wouldn't that have just meant separating rigs unnecessarily?
  8. Cheers Bentraje, I actually didn't have the hierarchy correct for individual limb movement in either of those screenshots, the correct rig needed me to duplicate the bone beginnings at the intersection of the limbs, just like this. The limbs and leaves are not separate from the model, the mesh is connected. Of course, then I added the IK, this question was about hierarchy though, thanks for your input.
  9. Yo, Need some advice for bone hierarchy, what's the correct method of setting up a rig for a plant with limbs that need to move freely? Also I plan to apply dynamics like wind and turbulence into IK limbs so it would be nice if those don't go completely crazy.. Uploaded two images, first show the hierarchy with nulls, should there be extra ends to the bones with this method? Second shows the more intuitive hierarchy but this doesn't allow limb bones free movement unless there's something I'm missing in set up? Cheers!
  10. Ah so using this spline and co-ordinate adjustment as a hem for clothing wouldn't work as when the character turns to the side the spline would follow global co-ordinates and fall into the clothing. It's exciting, any advice for good tutorials to start from?
  11. Damn son, thats some crazy sh** you got there but I think it would work just how I'd like it to. Is the addition Global XYZ or local? Out of curiosity, how long have you been messing with Xpresso, it sure opens a lot of doors that I previously thought impossible with standard tools
  12. Sorry Jed, if you don't answer this I completely understand. But if you do how would one go about offsetting the spline points from the mesh, ie the first question you answered but each spline point offset by 1cm on x-axis. Any thoughts? Thank you again for all your time
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