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Posts posted by thanulee

  1. 13 hours ago, kbar said:

    Just letting you know that I have the plugins compiling natively now for R20 on both OSX and Windows. Should have something ready for release soon.

    Let us know! cheers!

  2. On 10/6/2019 at 11:54 PM, kbar said:


    It feels stable to me. I could make a version for R20. Wanted to see what the interest is in this plugin first before working on R20 though since it is not a trivial task to compile for different versions.

    I will buy one licence if R20 🙂 let me know if thats possible! thanks

  3. Hello,
    Are there any recommendations about something light and portable for c4d? I own a razer 15 laptop, very powerful but its quite heavy. I like to work in bed a lot before i go to sleep.

    I dont need to do renders or heavy XP work. I just mostly expand my c4d knowledge with rnd. So i could even use a tablet with touch if something is worth it. I dont mind if its expensive as long as its light and working well with C4D ( cause my friend owns a surface and when in c4d, the keyboard popup doesnt appear at all.)
    Any suggestions? Thanks

  4. Hi, is there something equivalent in c4d as in 3dsmax "Edit poly" modifier? 
    eg. I have an editable cube and i wanna extrude/bevel few polys non destructive.

    In 3dsmax u add edit poly, u extrude there and u can disable it anytime. And u can keep adding those modifiers as a stack and do various mesh operations.
    Any input appreciated. Thanks

  5. First time for me, i bought this year R20 studio for 1 pc. Quite pricey and i havent followed the upgrade system yet, havent calculated what it will cost me next year. It seems to me, since im doing lots of "big" jobs, that c4d's cost is affordable (for 1 person that uses it professionally).
    However, adding the cost of everything in order to stay in cg industry it turns out to be a lot of money for a small team like mine which is a 3-4 people office. Adding adobe cloud (which is the most essential suite for everyone), plus a lot of plugins to make c4d competitive to other 3d software, costs skyrocket each year.
    So if it was just c4d covering all needs of production would be fine. But seeing the bigger picture when u wanna be in this industry, i feel that c4d should be priced differently eg as houdini is affordable to a much bigger user base. Since competition among software is tough and there is no "1 tool for the job", prices should be lower imo.

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