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  1. As far as I understand, Corona mtrl overide looks like this. And meet the chair of Hagrids. 🙂 Re rendering now..I am on a laptop at the moment, so it´s not fast.
  2. Thanks Cerbera, I changed segments from 12 to 6 (just to se if it helped). And this is my dynamics, have not changed them at all. What can I do more here? And I have changed the hair material quite a bit, just waiting fot it to render now. Btw I am using Corona as my renderer, must make the hairs work with that engine. 🙂
  3. HI, I am trying to make this chair. But am having trouble with the hairs, how do I make the hair thicker at the start?
  4. I have talked to MAXON and there is a Linux Command Line Renderer Client out there. The question now is if Corona works with it.
  5. This page states that there is one for Linux, but I can’t find it or if it works with Corona. https://www.MAXON.net/en-us/products/cinema-4d/features/rendering/overview/
  6. Hi, Is there a way to install a linux system and render using teamrender with corona yet ?
  7. Price 1800 Euro. Contact me on fredrik@njordstudio.com
  8. For me Modo and C4D are two different takes totally, Modo is cluttered an technical and Cinema is cleaner and simpler. I use em both (Modo 12 and Cinema 19), but I would love to only use one, preferably Cinema. Things that I miss in Modo: Simplified interface Stability Less lag in viewport when scattering A scattering plugin that simpler than their own. Corona... Things that I miss in Cinema: A propper UV unwrapper (still hoping they buy Headys UV Layout). Falloffs tool from Modo. Things that I miss in both: Max has this great plugin for creating wood panels and floor. But this is our playing ground, we use a lot of (very expensive) software, as there is no one all mighty software that can do it all. Max is on the way, but it´s too expensive.
  9. Hi, Yes, I have tested it. But that´s not what I am looking for. I think that one is perfect for interior visualisations and so on. But when you create a whole house with interior, exterior, with wooden deck, wood panel and roof (ye, we use a lot of wood in Sweden). This one is too cumbersome to work with. The Max one is so good beacuse you can block out your viz very fast, and then select polys and hit the plugin, and you can tweak the look of the boards in all directions and ways. Especially good that it clips (bools?) out areas outside the selection, and even makes holes for windows and doors (not selected polygons). This one is done that way (and this is not a piece I am very proud of so don´t look at the architecture too much):
  10. Thanks !! That´s a new way (for me) to use the technique and more powerful I think too. Now I can choose what vert to line up to, not only the one that´s farthest away.
  11. Hi, I am used to use the scale tool to line up vertices, is this something you can do in C4D too? /Fredrik
  12. Hi, I am looking for a "floor generator" or a wood generator as I would like to call and use it. Like the one the 3Ds Max guys has ( https://www.cg-source.com/floorgenerator.php ), it works on any polygon selection (XYZ) and on selections with holes in it and does not extend outside the selection. And it also creates UVs for the boards with random shaders. Is there anything out there that could help me in my search? I am willing to pay $XXX for this plugin if it works as good as the Max plugin.
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