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LexNapid last won the day on December 8 2019

LexNapid had the most liked content!

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks for all of the help, I sincerely appreciate all of your feedback! Wacom it is for Windows!
  2. Hi All, I'm preparing to start using Cinema 4d in a few days, and I have no design experience. I purchased this Wacom Tablet at Best Buy 3 weeks ago: https://www.bestbuy.com/site/wacom-intuos-drawing-tablet-small-with-3-bonus-software-included-black/6196636.p?skuId=6196636&ref=212&loc=1&extStoreId=1050&ref=212&loc=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAuqHwBRAQEiwAD-zr3cNd37OgbF4Lsuu-hUMKbizPOn_HHAOLsnmQdTB3Kr_HfTUqLHHqFRoCXvwQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds I needed a new Ipad so I upgraded to the Ipad Pro 12.9 Gen 3 and have an Apple Pencil. I have a Razer Blade Laptop with ports to hook it up, running Windows 10. Am I able to use the Ipad Pro for sketching with Cinema 4d and if so it a better option than the Wacom? I'll return the wacom if not, or if I need to keep both that's fine as well. Thanks so much for helping a Noobie out! Cheers!
  3. @Hrvoje I knew I was home! 🙂 Thank you Sir, I sent you a DM.
  4. @Rectro Dan, Thanks so much. I tried sending you a message through your website and I don't think it took. If there's a better way to get in touch please let me know.
  5. Hello Everyone! I have spent the last two days rigorously searching for 3d modeling software, and it feels like this is home from my research...am I home? -I am in the start up process of developing a series of medical devices, I have existing 2D sketches, and a provisional patent. I am totally new to 3D design -I do not need 3D printable designs, currently the product development and presentation are my focus. I need to be able to sketch out the products on my own against premade anatomical objects, in a beginner friendly way (I would love suggestions about where to find them) -After I'm comfortable with my designs, I want to use them for a professional presentation which will be animated, and view-able both on a PC and VR (Oculus Quest) This product line is near and dear to me, I know I have my work cut out for me and I'm ready. Any advice on how to execute my vision would be greatly appreciated!!!
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