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Everything posted by HappyPolygon

  1. Can someone tell me what is the "Connector Spline" node ? Is it a editable spline or some other kind of referenced object ? Examples that require extra setup of parameters that do not show up in the image should be provided with a project file..
  2. Hmmm... I was thinking something more like this Can you get a consistent "frozen look" of the displacement if you rotate the cloud ?
  3. EJ Hassenfratz just revealed that they are going to add more Tonemap options in RS Toon shader like crosshatch.
  4. Actually there is and I've tested it but I haven't used for a long time because I was too distracted with some other technical stuff and didn't care for renders. https://www.d5render.com/?_sasdk=dMThlZDY1MDAzOTMxM2I5LTAwMGNlYzQzYjQ2ZGQ4M2Y4LTI2MDAxYTUxLTIwNzM2MDAtMThlZDY1MDAzOTRhNTA I like it. But i'd prefer it being more integrated in C4D rather live-linked to D5. Usage of CPU and RAM skyrockets easy dealing with both apps open.
  5. Relax, this thread was nothing less than pure teasing humor. I don't play dirty psychological games. I'm aware what is missing and what not from C4D it's just that there was too much positivity from the last release that I didn't want to add any bitterness as it usually happened from S24 to 2023.5.
  6. I didn't even began to try breaking the next NDA and you've already spilled the beans ! (kidding) Liquid sims for September's release everyone !!! hahhaahahaahahaha ok, enough... Personally I'm good without the liquid sims because with particles and volume displacement I can now fake visualizations like these:
  7. Nothing special ? We are talking about Houdini/Octane-Arnold type of visualization quality here ! Yes these things were possible 7 years ago but not natively in the Maxon product family. And no one talked about RS's volume displacement feature ! I found out about it in their latest RS release video. (Question: is the volume displacement consistent in animation ?) I don't think there's anything else big enough to expect in the near future except maybe a real-time rendering engine like U-Render. Everything else I can think of is technical, gap-filling and extensions for already developed tools.
  8. I don't think this will work for C4D. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Material_point_method
  9. we use a spline field under a force field for that. I expect emitting from textures will come in the next release. for now I think this is doable via Thinking Particles. You can inherit color from a texture to particles, just not part of textures. Just pass the texture to a vertex color map via fields.
  10. no it doesn't and that's the only drawback. For example I like having all possible options of use of a tool in front of me. This is what makes C4D's learning curve so easy. If the same tool was made as a node they would probably break it to 20 nodes. Especially that Data Mapper and Math modifier... I'm not sure how priorities would resolve in a nodal system... It's pretty clear in the O.M. Also emitters usually need to interact with other entities like Cloners, objects, tags... That would drag the whole C4D to be node dependent, something really hard and time consuming... maybe in the future. I guess it all boils down to how easy the development and management team wants to present a very complex full of capabilities system and how users treat the O.M. .
  11. Although the system could work with a nodal interface Maxon did the right thing and relyied on the powerful Object Manager. The new particle generators and modifiers can still be used in XPresso for relational behaviors. You can try Thinking Particles if you want to feel how it would look like working with nodes and you'll soon find out that it's better in the O.M. Nodal systems tend to be populative with the available nodes and often the graphs get hard to follow. It's better as features get packed as attributes and grouped in tabs on each object and easier to follow the logic of a setup in a top-to-bottom linear fashion.
  12. https://support.maxon.net/hc/en-us/articles/8658038724124-Cinema-4D-2024-4-April-10-2024
  13. I wonder how many of the new particle features were inspired from my suggestions to Maxon... But watching so many long-expected mechanics to finally get implemented can only make my eyes water...
  14. Is there anything ThinkingParticles can do that the new system can't ?
  15. 1) How many clones are we talking about ? (maybe it's easier to keyframe this) 2) Are the cloners supposed to draw letters or are the clones letters themselves ? 3) What kind of paths are they supposed to follow ?
  16. The best solution is to use a material instead of a mesh
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