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Dominic Platten

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  1. Nevermind i restarted my computer and it solved the issue.
  2. Hi i have exported a character with 4 IK Null objects. When i import the given character into Unity the IK Objects are lost and because of that the animations are off. Any way i can include them, i did work at an different point in the project and im not sure what i changed. Thanks
  3. Hello Everyone Im working with two Human Models. They both have the same Rig Setup, Naming nd Hirarchy. Is it possible to copie the Keyframe Animation from one Rig to the other?
  4. Thank you both The Axis were alligned. After i changed the pole vector manualy it fixed the problem 🙂 One follow up question, what exactely is the pole vector? Should i always use this when aniamting IK Chains?
  5. Hello im currently working with a humanoid model. I did an animation and after about 30 minutes where everything worked fine, suddenly one of the bones started rotation every frame in random directions. Any ideas what this could be? I already tried to delete the keyframes for sett bone, copied everything to a new project didnt do anything. Would appreciate any ideas or clues thank you. Cinema 4D R23.110 (RC) - [Suitcase_Load.c4d _] - Main 2022-01-05 18-26-37_Trim.mp4
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