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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/2021 in all areas

  1. Hi all, I'm new here so thought I'd say hello. I'm a graphic designer that works primarily in branding, currently for a design studio in London. I've tinkered with Cinema 4D for a few years now, but only for a few days at a time and usually bounced out because of frustration or workload etc. Since lockdown has started, I'm now much more focussed on learning Cinema 4D, and in particular 3D modelling and renders - there isn't anything in particular I want to make, I just want to become proficient with the software so that I can have fun experimenting etc. Ultimately I would like to be able to use my 3D skills to impact my career - it's definitely a nice thing to be able to offer clients on top of 2D branding etc. Whenever I'd played with Cinema 4D in the past, I would just follow the odd tutorial on Youtube, and whilst this gave me insight to very specific features etc, it would always be difficult to apply these skills to my own projects due to a lack of overview. Recently I'd watched a great 'Cinema 4D masterclass' video on Skillshare that gave me such a rounded knowledge of the program that when I jumped into my own work, I feel so much more confident, have seen a massive improvement in my modelling and renders and feel that I'm better equipped to tackle problems that arise throughout the process. Anyway, long story short - I'm much looking forward to building my skill set, improving my renders and bugging all of you with questions 🙃 Cheers!
    2 points
  2. Days ago I released DrawPlus v2.00 DrawPlus is a complete toolset for Cinema4D developed in Python, which allows you to draw technically and model with precision Hope it will be useful for your workflow DrawPlus Page: http://www.caleidos4d.it/plugin_drawplus.htm Youtube video Tutorial (playlist):
    1 point
  3. It seems strange to me that it should be an SSD issue, but I'm happy that it works now
    1 point
  4. In alot of circumstances using subdivision especially for anything with any sort of curved organic shapes or forms is going to allow you to use way less geometry rather than more. You'd be surprised at how low poly even some fairly detailed models can be produced if you know what you can get away with and plan accordingly. As for the bevels on cerberas model, those can quite easily be adjusted by altering the control loops or adding sds weighting, I'm also sure that they are done in a way that is sufficient for what is required. What is "better" is definitely a subjective matter and more down to the artist ability and knowledge of the tools at hand. There are many ways to skin a cat
    1 point
  5. well this is an issue that sometime happen and sometime not. It is hard to say what is the reason for that. I can run the IPR and the Materials loads correct. But what can happen also is that the mesh with all materials turns black into the viewport. I think it is one of the GPU Renderer downside thing.
    1 point
  6. Redshift can only render one thing at a time. So it's either your render preview window (IPR) or material previews. If your IPR is running (the "play"-icon is activated), you need to uncheck that in order to get material previews to update...
    1 point
  7. Thank you for your genius answer! I’ll give it a go!
    1 point
  8. Simplifying here a bit, but: When you render an image, you only have so many decimal places to work with. 3D apps will spread out the available decimal places over the scene you have, so small objects near 0,0,0 will be fine, but throw them hundreds of thousands of units off to the side and your accuracy will start to get spread a little thin. Your train seems to be 3.6KM from the centre of the 3D world. You also need to keep in mind that there are single precision engines and double precision engines. Octane last I checked was a single precision engine which means that it has even fewer decimal places to play with than other engines do. Things to try: In octane there is a 'ray epsilon' value which deals with how octane handles extremely large or small objects. Try moving the decimal point left or right a few places. C4D has a scene scale value. You might need to make a new scene and paste your objects in for it to work correctly, but press ctrl+D and change it from cm to m. Simply dont move objects many km from 0,0,0. Try animating the landscape moving past the window instead of the train moving through the landscape. Pretend youre on a film set and the carriage is a fixed item in a studio. This will also make camera animation potentially easier.
    1 point
  9. That is a good input @Arte, thanks for that! It is a shame that facial rigging tutorial is in Chinese 😞 I bought one from Domestika, but it is for Maya.. and having a little trouble folliowing it along, but I will keep trying. And yeah, I tried some of the things in Blender, and I loved it.. but unfortunately, it is so clumky for other things, I couldnt really adapt to it. I dont plan switching 3D software anytime soon.
    1 point
  10. My very loyal but invisible Developer made me a Plugin for Christmas. It's the "Phong to Spline" and uses the Phong Tag values or Isoparms to generate a Procedural Spline. Watch the tutorial and Download the plugin from the provided link:
    1 point
  11. Capsule primitive, and taper, then a bend deformer (in that order!) should get you a fairly perfect starting shape, and go with 16 radial segs, which will give you enough established curvature to model in the chest and face bits later. We'll aim to a do better job of UV mapping than that too ! Once you have the perfect starting shape, straight away get a Current State to object of the top level model so you bake the deformers in, then delete all the polys in one half of the mesh, and apply symmetry to halve your workload as you model the rest of the details in and add spikes and limbs and whatnot... As far as what would be separate objects: The donut lips, the eyebrow, the horns and the spikes. Everything else is attached to the main body. CBR
    1 point
  12. Never mind I read the manual went to scatter medium set density to 0.001 I think that will do it. Sorry.
    1 point
  13. Hi! Rodrigo Rodrigues stated on Twitter that he runs a private rig lesson. @FLimamaybe you will be interested in it? Yes, with the face rig tutorials for the C4D, it's hard to find a good one. If I'm not mistaken @kangddan did a great face rig course, but the whole thing is unfortunately in Chinese. Buy link below: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a2oq0.12575281.0.0.25911debrMo441&ft=t&id=601444001712 However, as @everfresh wrote, many elements are identical to other programs. I switched to C4D 5 years ago from Softimage XSI and I am very pleased with this change. Cinema 4D is fun to work with, many things are made very nice and simple. My friend, who deals with character animation, also switched from Softimage 5 years ago, but to Blender (he was looking for a cheaper alternative than Maya and Cinema had no subscription then). And while it's not bad overall, but says Blender has a lot of shortcomings, especially when it comes to joint construction, it's still worse than the Softimage XSI (These are his words, not mine. I don't know Blender and it's hard for me to compare.). So he is checking C4D rig now because he likes some of the things Cinema 4D offers. And thanks to the subscription, he can now afford C4D. In my long experience, there is no perfect 3D program. One program has something better, then another one has something cool. Changing only because there is something better in the competition at a given moment is a mistake, because in some time something better may be in another place. Besides, it often feels like a foreign tool tastes better, meanwhile there are many problems too. In my studio, we found Cinema 4D to be the most versatile and at the same time easy to learn, which is essential for us when we expand our team. It's hard to find good specialists in 3D and animation in my city, so we train them ourselves.
    1 point
  14. When are you guys changing the name to something sexy and inviting? That will be the first step to big adoption, trust me, people are shallow, and there is nobody shallower than me.
    1 point
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