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Posts posted by PBarrelas

  1. 11 hours ago, Unstable said:

    I just want you to know that I've been contacted by the heir prince of Nigeria Serif and I will soon collect on such a huge inheritance that I'll be able to start my own software company. I've already allocated $1000 to Serif to cover the cost of the administrative paperwork and expect to receive my portion within the next 30 days. Soon, MAXON will not only have to worry about Blender, but the new kid on the block, Serifware 3d.


    If this is an inappropriate post, please feel free to delete.

    This post sounds a bit weird! It reminds me of those emails saying that someone will give me millions of dollars because they have no heirs! 😂

    But on the event of you really start your own software company, contact me for beta testing it 😉

  2. I’m selling my license because I’m very disappointed with how MAXON have been updating C4D. They could get all the latest 4 updates into one in order to make an acceptable one, from my point of view. After Blender’s 2.80 update, I’m changing my pipeline from C4D to Blender, hence selling my license.

  3. 2 hours ago, Bolos said:

    Just to be clear, I'm talking about objects already made of multiple meshes. I know how to make instances of a single mesh but not "groups" (or meshes linked together).


    I wanted to make copies of an animated wheelchair dude but didn't found any way. From memory and reading the doc, you'd have to create a proxy and then link that file into a new one. If you have some tips as someone who knows both packages, that would be cool.


    On another side, Blender and Cycles seemed to be more extendable than RedShift cause I was able to mix some MatCaps (ArtShader) with real lights and did not find any way to do that with the latter. Also seemed more powerful than C4D in terms of character animation but did not tested it, I just saw a lot more (advanced) resources on the subject for Blender.


    Rendering seemed to be quite slow too on macOS (but I've been told it was a bad idea to use it on this OS).

    In Blender 2.80 groups were replaced by Collections. Collections are more organized and efficient than groups. So after creating a Collection and putting all the needed objects inside (this can be done through the Outliner as a visual feedback), in Object Mode, you goto Add>Collection Instance  and chose the name of the Collection you want to instance. This creates a Collection Instance that has an orange icon in the Outliner as a visual feedback. At this point you just need to use the regular duplicate command and it will create new instances. 

  4. 31 minutes ago, 3DKiwi said:

    Even I'm learning Blender a bit. It's highly capable. Just let down somewhat with it's modelling tools and lack of a nodal expression system although there is a 3rd party addon.

    Yes Nigel, I agree with you. You mean there’s an addon similar to Xpresso? 

  5. I’ve been testing and learning 2.80 since it’s alpha and I have to admit that Blender, in a near future, it’s going to be a game a game changer. I’m going to start start incorporating it in my pipeline and, eventually, make the definitive switch from C4D to Blender.

  6. I never hide how much I hate AD and their business model. 20% off? That’s a joke!

    To be honest, with Blender 2.80 release candidate next Thursday, I can see the future of the 3D apps to change in the next few years. Blender is now, definitely, in the right direction. I’m fact, I’m already integrating it in my pipeline and considering not to purchase the MSA this year. 

  7. Hi Cristobal,

    I personally never had that problem because my Cineversity is tied to my MSA, so they don’t have my CC info on their side. I renew my MSA with Techlimits and then in early September I receive the coupon from MAXON. 

    But definitely I don’t agree about keeping your CC information stored unless you specifically chose to do so. 

  8. Yes, it was a shame to see Autodesk acquiring Alias and Softimage. I remember those great old times when 3D Wrold magazine would publish the latest tools or enhancements on each of the “big 3”!

    As for Modo, it started well, with a well designed layout but as soon as Luxology started to add features, it didn’t know how to properly include those on the layout and started to make it very confusing. When I was contacted by a sales rep from The Foundry, I told them that the instability issues and a layout becoming worse with each release was the reason why I moved to C4D. 

    Now I’m taking the 1st steps with Houdini Indie and will see if it will have a place in my pipeline in a few months or not. 

  9. I can say that by the time I sold my Modo license, the viewport performance was very bad, besides being the DCC application with more crashes I ever worked with. On the opposing side, XSI was the one with best performance. 

  10. I’ve been thinking about the exact same thing as I’m a Redshift user too! I have to make some math in order to see how much it would cost me to maintain an Houdini seat comparared to C4D. Not to mention the learning curve and how much time to get me where I am at the moment with C4D. 

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