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Everything posted by slouchcorp

  1. you might be better using the INSYDIUM online forums or Discord. But that said. Try FluidFX and constraints to get that effect.
  2. Hi Chip, You will be better off getting user and INSYDIUM help from either the official forum or Discord channels. https://community.insydium.online/ https://discord.gg/tyKUkn7 To see particle data you can use the xpconsole to view what particles are doing, or you can create your own custom data ids
  3. Hi There Your best option for X-Particles or Cycles4D help and support is the official support forum https://community.insydium.online/ or our Discord Channel. RE this you can see all the Data is loaded if you add a Field Map but there is a lot of data and you have to define what you want it to do to the particles EG control position or scale etc.
  4. @ilayspire the volume stuff was all usingthe current version of X-Particles so the smoke and fire is generated in XP and rendered using Cycles.
  5. Sorry test team is already full. Little update, for XP support have a look at our twitter https://twitter.com/insydium
  6. Theres a custom absorption group in the dragon network, but it was copied from a tutorial
  7. Thanks Guys, RE Blender yes you can, iv been doing the same thing :) you can download a .blend see how its built and copy it in Cycles4D. We will ship with a bunch of presets. Cinema standard mats wont work, Cycles is pure nodes quite different.
  8. Thanks chaps, Cycles is closer to Arnold an octane, but the nodes are more powerful. you can do some incredibly deep editing in there. the cool thing is we have made it so you can follow any Blender Cycles tutorials 1:1 in Cycles4D so if you see a cool set up you will be able to rebuild it.
  9. Hey Guys, Yep were working on it. Here are a couple of screen shots of the nodes and real time preview. we will keep you all in the loop as things develop.
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