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Everything posted by Monstrphil

  1. Congrats! I have been a subscriber to the mag for years and mentioned many times to them that they don't show enough C4d content.......and then to have someone I know on the cover!!!!!! This is fantastic! Is that the same "super confidential maxon underground bunker" that we see in the Pooh Alien? Maybe I will buy you a new HDRI for Christmas next year!
  2. These are fantastic! I especially am losing myself in the reflection of the Pooh Alien. Is he in a room with a window that looks out to an area light in C4d space? I love that stuff!
  3. Oh man-Went back to revisit this. Could find the box to check about refractions last time (was pretty tired the first time), but found where the Refraction box was and it was unchecked. Thank you both Jeff and Mash. At least now I have two options to have.
  4. Thanks for the feedback. I've been doing some of those in post and thought I was doing it wrong. I will go back to doing that and not worry about seeing my backplate in my interiors. At least that will save me some frustration in the beginning.
  5. Here it is. Left out the background image-but drop in your own HDRI or backplate and see what I mean. thanks Octane-Glass.c4d
  6. Didin't know where to place it since the octane topic disappeared some time ago..... Anyway, I am doing a render of a dental office and I have a window with a nice park outside (nice image that I took-not a true HDRI). BUT when I put glass in the window-the HDRI does not show. Nothing that I put in the Image texture node shows-unless I take the opacity in the glass down to a very small amount. I came across someone who had a similar problem-but he was working in blender and his set-up is different. Attached are some screenshots to show you. The first one is where the opacity is at 1. The 2nd the opacity is much lower. And the third image the glass is turned off. Please let me know if I need to show any additional settings. Thank you. Here is the third.......it wouldnt let me load it with the rest.
  7. LOL-That's exactly what I did. Thank you again.
  8. Well-I rebooted C4d and it didnt fix anything. BUT I do see the angles change when I start a new file and the transform works as expected. It's just something in my current file that is wonky.
  9. Also-I no longer can restrict the rotation to 5degrees when holding the shift key........
  10. OK. I am pulling out my hair on this one. My rotate tool no longer shows the angles when I rotate it. AND when I use the transform tool it only transforms in one plane (when I am not touching any handle). Nothing was clicked-I think I may have fat fingered a quick key by accident. Funny thing is that when I use the move tool-it shows the distance. As does the percentage of scale (in one direction only).
  11. So, I am in no way an expert.........probably just an experience noob who gets lost A LOT. So I am working on an interior scene. Have not textured it yet. Started dropping in Octane area lights and wondered why my lights were emitting but showing up as black squares (ceiling lights in a medical facility). So I played with the settings tweaking the options. Still emitting but rendering black squares instead of ceiling lights. So I turned off all the lights and dropped in a cube with a black body emission texture. Rendered again - It emits......but the cube shows up as grey. I scour the web - read all the manual from OTOY - jump from forum to forum - comb videos on YouTube, Behance, and Vimeo and was about to ask the experts here at the forum when on my latest render I noticed that the clay mode was greyed out (or turned on?). I clicked it........Octane rebooted the render........my lights turned on. I am going to step away from the computer. Refill my coffee and consider my life choices for a little bit.
  12. THank you @imashination I am still playing around to get a better hold for the future. I think the biggest problem was not fixing the exported mesh in the first place.
  13. That worked perfectly. Here is the result. I don't have to do a high end render-just something to show the VPs on where all their money is going. I know I only had the circles-but the dentist had to go in there as well (just thought it would be easier not putting him in my example.) Thanks again.
  14. Thanks @Cerbera, I knew a UV edit was ultimately involved-but I haven't used them since taking a class on unwrapping so many years ago. I didn't clean any triangles yet as the original model was exported for me from the architect and I have been cleaning up other areas of........issues. I will fix this part and do the UV edit part. As always - thank you.
  15. Hello, I am in the middle of a project and I am having a hell of a time getting my texture to wrap around a wall that is curved that goes straight. I don't know how to project it. The image is a bunch of circles overlapping. In the real world you would just print a large banner and wallpaper it up no prob. I have attached the c4d file as well as the image texture. I usually dont do UV maps since I am the only one using the file and they don't go anywhere so there was no need to add the extra work. I am using R25-S (R26 gets buggy on me) and Octane (whatever the last update was last month). Any suggestions and thank you in advance. CURVED_SURFACE.c4d
  16. Monstrphil

    Important Notice

    I've only been around since 2013 when my new job gave me C4d. I didnt use the forum much and I still don't browse as often as I should-but I have to say that when I had a question, people have quickly given me solutions pretty fast and I am very grateful for that. €10/year is well worth the admission and I am grateful for @Igor keeping this place running (as well as @3DKiwiin my early career). I wish something like this was around when I had to learn StrataStudioPro. You young'uns have it easy with all these inner webs and cat5 cables and all that. Try dial up with Ma Bell and maneuver with Netscape.
  17. Thanks for the help. I went in and checked off that option-now the image goes lighter (but both get less contrast-y)
  18. I am rendering out some interior images and the render is working great (thanks @laurenth) but at the very end of the render after the last bucket finishes (which looks great) the image then goes darker - like if some post work is done ( it looks like Levels is being implemented after the render). I have unchecked Post effects in the settings as well as in the RS Render view (in those settings). Is there another place to look?
  19. Thanks for the help @laurenth I changed my settings to match what you had in your file and my render went from 15minutes to 3.5 minutes. I was afraid that somewhere I tweaked something and didn't know how to get back. Good thing this wasn't a boiler I was working on...........😅 My threshold was based on a tutorial I was following. I will research that more to ensure I dont have these issues in the future. Thanks again.
  20. I tried to upload it but it's 64Mb. It's an engineering obj file from Inventor. Our usual protocol is to get their drawing and get out a pretty picture fast. So...there is no optimization of polys or converting to quads. Usually I just make sure all the normals are facing the right way, sometimes break up some objects into smaller pieces and then render out. Just to let you know I have NEVER had an issue until 4 weeks ago.....about the time I tried to get R25 working on my machine. I am trying to do the same thing with a new interior that is less than 1Mb and I am having the same issue. I will upload that one. My proxy is big so I can't give you that one (300Mb) White Office.c4d What I think is that I changed some setting and it's wrecking havoc. Thanks for looking
  21. I am on R23 and 3.0.62 for RS and in the last 4-5 weeks RS has gotten bogged down. When I move a camera-the IPR doesnt update as fast and sometimes gets stuck. None of this happened a month ago. I dont know if I changed some setting that made it this way (too much brute force or something). But I believe my setting are pretty basic. I dont do animations or sub surface scattering. Also-tried to update to R25 and c4d would just freeze. So I went back. Thanks for looking.
  22. I think some of the issue is the time between the original and the parody. How long ago was the original Space Jam? 1996! I bet you would be hard pressed to find it on DVD now much less anyone under the age of 20 to remember that movie aside from when their dad mentions it. Also-studios cranked out so many movies back then and there was a bigger amount of parodies. Naked Gun, Police Academy, Scream, anything Mel Brookes - now the studios are just about regurgitating old ideas (Fresh Prince, Jungle Cruise) or tacking on sequels (all the rest). Although - I liked Jungle Cruise.
  23. Those are fantastic. I was just out looking at new clubs and scrutinizing the grooves, looking at the weight placements or judging the racing stripes on the rubber grips and your renders are spot on. Always a pleasure.
  24. As always-these are wonderful. But I have to only rate them 4 out of 5 stars for the lack of more Robocop posts. Would have been lower but the Jessica Rabbit raised it a bit (get it?! Raised it? HAHAHAHAHA) I'll leave now.....
  25. Fantastic. The base and handle look like powdercoat rather than plastic - which I really like. Please continue.
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