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Everything posted by luchifer

  1. Where do I start.... C4D is straightforward, if you work with joints you can mix and match them using the outliner / inspector just by drag and drop them, and same with everything else. There is little you cant do with C4D because even parts of the software you havent really used become pretty familiar to understand because almost everything uses the same drag and drop philosophy, so using it for daily work is really quick even if the client ask you to do something you never used before. With Blender, not so much. Modeling is great, is pretty powerful and very fast to do, but everything else is the same "we are working in this module to improve it and its on the roadmap". Animation I had encounter roadblocks with infinite loop, with joints, with the key manager, etc, etc. Things that are really easy or straightforward in C4D even for someone who never used them, but in Blender you are constantly changing keys and workflow because the particular developer who did the part of Blender you are using, didnt follow the same logic applied to other parts of Blender. Or maybe did follow them in a weird way. So you end up half of your day watching videos on youtube so you can say "ohhh thats how you do it". Granted, once you know the workflow its yours forever unless you forget about it if you arent doing it daily. Also, it gets really annoying when you work with multiple objects, something that is doable in every other software. For example, if you work with fonts, you cant really select multiple and change the text at the same time, or changing character spacing without clicking alt + enter. Using Ctrl + L to link materials, fonts, etc help to an extent, but as far as I could test not everything worked with alt + enter. Oh and the most annoying was editing a really dense object by mistake. Sadly Blender doesnt do well dense objects, so you have to be careful not to Tab by mistake on one. Last but not least, Blender has fluids, particle system, C4D doesnt (sorry Thinking particles)... but soon that proves to be inconsecuential because Realflow and Insydium draw circles around them. Last time I used them, you cant preview them unless you cache them first, so again, C4D is way faster to work. And again, drag and drop people! you can take anything into a mograph cloner and it will work. I forgot to add.. OF COURSE I want C4D to be as fast as blender playback is, and OF COURSE I also love Eevee and want Redshift RT to be like it, but even if Redshift RT is as half as fast as Blender Eevee, I would go back to Maxon in a heartbeat. Right now, I mostly model stuff, so Zbrush / Blender are really really great to work with, because C4D modeling is cumbersome.
  2. Early tests on Redshift RT tell a different story. Redshift 3.0 - New Feature - Announcements - Redshift RT - YouTube I hope they can deliver because frankly, after using Blender for over two years, I kinda miss C4D simplicity. Blender is great for modeling but for animating is just.. weird to work with. Insydium + C4D + Zbrush is a pretty powerful combo for one man band like myself.
  3. Not sure what you meant, you can export texture UVs with UDIM spaces from C4D to Unreal and it will recognize the workflow.
  4. About addons, Xparticles seals the deal for me. There is nothing comparable in Blender.
  5. I meant Redshift free with Cinema, and I quoted Maya / Arnold ecosystem as an example
  6. If I may... Why Arnold is free with Maya, but Redshift isnt?
  7. luchifer

    Maya indie

    That depends where you live. Autodesk indie is nor global. Where I live, there is no indie version I can get.
  8. luchifer

    Maya indie

    Not gonna ask why a hobbyst need Redshift twice, but yes, for a hobby or indies, sadly MAXON doesnt have anything to offer. For professionals, though, C4D remains affordable (Houdini, Maya, Max are more expensive). Blender is still free though, but its hard to change the workflow of a company. I mean, letting go an employee who has been in the company more than ten years and is already proficient in C4D is way more expensive.
  9. For what im reading OM is not going away, but Xpresso on the other hand will be redundant once Scene Nodes is fully implemented.
  10. Even if MAXON PAID ME to use Prorender,.... I wouldnt.
  11. Thanks! they look great, and with Viewport Renderer + MBL, its instant rendering for Broadcast News as in my case.
  12. Totally understandable. I also have concerns about pandemic. My advise remains as follow: use blender + eevee. Dont buy the videocard. It would be $ 1200 for very small speed on an already impressive viewport renderer. Of course any work that requires particles will have to wait a little bit, because atm blender particles -while better than c4d native particles, are no match to Insydium, wich you already have. If you have C4D perpetual, keep Insydium, and model / uv in blender. That way you can keep your clients happy and the income stable with a production proven particle plugin.
  13. Unless my math is wrong, Red giant complete is $ 600 redshift is $ 500.. If the three equals 1200, then C4D is $100, way below Houdini indie.
  14. Thats the price for c4d plus red giant ($200-600) + redshift ($500). Indie has its own rules, depending of how much do you earn, you may not qualify. Anyway, its good to know you already decided. Good luck and take care!
  15. I forgot to add, splines in Softimage was the most painful thing to do in the history of 3D apps. Maybe developers thought we designed our logos in Illustrator and then imported then into XSI, who knows? The first time I used C4D, I thought "Thank God, this Is so easy to setup!"
  16. If I remember you pressed F3 to add *primitives from the viewport in ICE. ICE could access even parameters usually hidden from the end user. What Softimage lacked was splines and something like motext. Also, recreating mograph in ICE required a lot of work. While users knew what ICE was for, seems Autodesk didnt, because some guy at Autodesk asked XSI users -myself included- for a list of favorite nodes we used the most because he thought ICE was a particle plugin. He didnt realized ICE was coding with nodes. If someone asked me what is my favorite Visual Basic word, what can I say? IF, THEN, FOR, NEXT?
  17. Cycles is slow. If you want speed, use Eevee and save the money. The 3080 will gave you negligible speed improvement with Eevee. 2.92 is the future, we can also speculate Redshift RT will be faster than Arnold / Cycles and everything. Only Insidium knows what 2021 xparticles is gonna surprised us with. You need to ask yourself. Right now -not in 2021- are you proficient with C4D?
  18. Maybe its too early to ask.. but it will allow interoperation between xparticles and plugins?
  19. Screen Space Reflections and viewport rendering enhancements (with magic bullet) are welcomem, looks Eevee on steroids but more testing has to be done. Also MAGA (Make animation great again), looks simple to setup and very useful for motion graphics as well. Looking forward for this release. I hope they wont break GoZ. Fingers crossed.
  20. C4D to Unreal Datasmith plugin is production ready. Blender has an unoficial Datasmith export and a coming soon official plugin. You guys should check the C4D datasmith because it even works with custom user data.
  21. Mi biggest issue with Unreal Engine is the Outliner, Blueprints are awesome, they seem difficult at first but are really easy to use. Navigating, hiding objects, isolating objects, cloning, symmetry, variance in colors, and stuff we take for granted in apps require some work in UE. Assets Blueprints help a lot. But if your C4D scene usually is a mess of box.1 - box.999, you wont get far in Unreal Engine You also need to learn a lot of tricks for reflections and once you are comfortable with you will gain a lot of speed for sure, but UE4 render engine is not Arnold / Redshift. Anyway, I dont see how this is a VS thread, since you cant model assets in Unreal. I dont have a lot of experienc, I only have done two virtual sets using Unreal Engine ( Im uploading examples of the latest)
  22. I try to stay away from the forums as much as I could do. Almost everything I need to know I can find it on google these days, or ask noseman on Cgtalk (wich I dont visit often either) The reason, is because I got very annoyed about [ïnsert Blender] everytime a user posted anything about C4D. I do use it , though, its a really great software. But this religious fanatism has drove me -and Im sure others- away, not from MAXON, but from the forums. p.s. What do you know? its also on the user Avatars!
  23. ? That's not bifrost visual programming, so in the spirit of bringing another app into the discussion, I can do that with c4d standard and Houdini Bridge.
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