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Everything posted by Vizn

  1. Not that I know of. However, you might find the Transfer tool useful. With the object you want to move selected, use the Transfer tool to click on another object. The first object will move to the second object location and take on the scale and rotation as well. Set the tool options to disable Scale and Rotate to just use the Move function.
  2. A Cloner, set to Object mode and Surface distribution. Plus a Shader Effector using a black & white distribution texture, with PSR controls off and Visibility checked On. (Distribution map applied to plane to illustrate)
  3. What are your graphics card specs? Could be that you have too many generators, like booles, cloners, or sweeps, that are generating too much geometry for the viewport to display at one time when you add in the extra objects. Avoid making Booles using Cloners, or any generator objects for that matter, to cut another object. If you need to do this, collapse the generator first and Connect + Delete all of the clones into one object before adding to a Boole. Mesh density plays a big part with generators as well, so be careful not to generate geo with more density/sub-divisions than you need. And consider collapsing generators to geo to give the viewport computational breathing room, so to speak.
  4. There is no issue. In the first pic, you have the spacing Mode set to 'Per Step' of 200cm, while in the second pic it is set to 'End Point' of 200cm.
  5. Really great work. I can see this expanded into a full educational series about the interconnectedness of nature, science, and human invention through mathematics. Congrats and well done!
  6. Isolated vertices are the floating black dots. They are left over when you delete polys. Also, you have some n-gons (non-quads), as well as overlapping vertices (notice Selected Total=2 in green at upper left). As @Frokito mentioned, use the Optimize command to fix the isolated vertices, as well as weld overlapping vertices together. If you have questions about the Optimize options, check the manual first, but ask if you're still confused.
  7. My eyeball assumed this (see pic) being your mid-point since it appears to be the edge-loop most aligned to the world axis. To double-check, all I did was count how many subdivisions you have in the arc, which is 48, then counted out 24 edge-loops from one side and my assumption was confirmed. Took less than 30 seconds. However, with this manual method there comes a few more steps needed in order to ensure that everything is aligned properly for symmetry. First, delete the points that fall outside of the 24th loop. Next, make sure the points where symmetry will occur are aligned to world: Select those points, look at the Size readout of the appropriate axis under the Coordinate Manager and zero it out if necessary. Set the object axis to the appropriate point for symmetry: Press L for axis edit mode, turn snapping on, move the axis to snap to the desired edges/points, press L again to exit axis editing. Now you can put it under Symmetry. This is a great way to learn your way around C4D and manipulating objects. But if you want the fastest, cleanest way, then do Cerbera's ring with slice under symmetry from the start.
  8. I think those are General - Edge - White I don't know of any diagram. I just play with the sliders to see what changes.
  9. Nothing out of the ordinary in the scene you shared to me privately. I was seeing render speed of ~22 seconds per frame on a 2017 iMac Pro, which would be ~28.6 hours for all frames. First, have you updated R20 to the latest, R20.059? Your profile shows R20.026. Can you open the version with no textures on the Mac Pro without freezing? If so, it might be the textures causing the freeze. All textures are loaded into memory when a file is opened, so check if there are several large Photoshop textures being used, or 4K/8K textures saved as PNG, for example. Other than this, I don't know why it would freeze. I would recommend outsourcing to a render farm. The main reason being that I don't think VRay 3.7 will work with Teamrender the way you want since I believe it only comes with 1 standalone node.
  10. Yeah, still pretty difficult to figure out the rendering issues without any idea how the scene is composed (lights, materials, environment, etc). The settings you shared don't look out of whack on their own, but again, the scene composition would inform this a lot more. The AA (primary) sampler is for figuring out the shapes (edges) and visual details (textures/maps, DOF, motion blur), while the DMC sampler is for solving secondary characteristics (lights, soft shadows, gi) and materiality (reflection/refraction). This is a good tutorial on optimizing a VRay scene that goes in depth about the samplers. It's old, but the concepts are still relevant: https://www.cggallery.com/tutorials/vray_optimization/
  11. Yeah, but can it run Crysis?
  12. Can you share the render settings via screenshots? And maybe an example of what the scene is composed of?
  13. It's tough to say what the problem could be. There's no telling what settings have been tweaked by the original artist. You can try creating a new render setting to get VRay to its default state. The default settings are supposed to be adequate for most situations, for whatever that is worth in this case. See what that does for you first. Then compare to the original settings to help narrow down the differences to suss out the culprit. That said, it may not be a render settings issue. It could also be how the materials and lighting are set up, and/or how the scene is built. Is this an animation or still rendering?
  14. Try this: Place a Display tag on the top-most null and set it to Wireframe and all children will be wireframe. Now, place a Display tag on any or all child objects, but keep it turned off. Now, when you select a child object, it will display as solid, or whatever viewport mode you're using. Not sure if this is an intended usage, since it's not at all intuitive to place a Display tag on something without turning it on and expect this result.
  15. Oops! Sorry I missed that part of your post. I haven't had my coffee yet. In this case, it might be easier to select the cars you want to keep red, or whatever, and copy those to a new file, then delete them from the first file. Do the material manager replacement trick, then copy back the ones from the second file.
  16. You can select the material you want to replace, then either right-click it or go to the Function menu and choose "Select Texture Tags/Objects" This selects every object and tag with that material. In the Attributes panel, you will see the Tag Properties. Drag and drop the new material you want into the 'Material' slot to update all at once.
  17. Vizn

    Cafe 2.0

    There is a duplicate forum in the 3rd Party Renderers section. You could rename it VRAY FOR C4D. ;)
  18. Vizn


    @Hrvoje I don't get crypto. What's the big deal? Doesn't regular money work fine? I will do some research, but I'm interested in what the attraction is for you personally.
  19. "What Lives Behind The Baseboards" ...a children's tale.
  20. Another fix here would be to first split off the problem splines. Then run Create Outline on that to get them to resemble the rest of the text (will create closed splines), and fix the ends to be rounded. It's a really skinny text/font, and your sweep is overlapping itself, which might pose a problem down the line, but maybe that's okay for what you want.
  21. Vizn

    Beer Tanks

    A look at the tanks in context plus another view of the scene. Skipped scratches because they are too subtle here. I softened the speculars to fake the dust layer. Rust not an option for a new build concept! ;)
  22. I'm wondering if the layer mode should play a role here? IRL mixing colors is additive with light and subtractive with paint/ink. *Edit: I think I'm off base, but maybe this will help instead..
  23. Assuming all the legs are roughly the same size, just scale the unwrapped uv polys to the same size. If the legs are different sizes, it will be trickier, but the idea would be to scale the uv polys to the same ratio to one another. If you unwrap each one before relaxing, rotating, and scaling, then they should be roughly proportionate to each other. Then just arrange them to fit into the uv space as you want and scale all at the same time to maximize the space being used while keeping them proportionate.
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