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Status Replies posted by 3DKiwi

  1. My boy's 19th birthday. Pizza for dinner then him and I off to see "The Expendables".

  2. I am sick and tired of the so-called "reality" tv shows

  3. Maybe nothing will happen to interrupt my c4d12 demo download this time..70% downloaded and counting!

  4. What is the most unlikely deadly weapon a chef could use in his kitchen?

  5. Moderate flooding in the town I live in. We're okay but the toilet won't work.

  6. I'll apply. how much does it pay, do I get weekends and holidays off? what about coffee breaks, lunch included too?

  7. Softbodies explode my computer... 0__0

  8. Bunged up with a cold :(

  9. Blew the cobwebs out of me and my motorbike today. Took it on a track day at a race track.

  10. I like hot weather but gee it was 104 today heat index 110 and no relief in site

  11. Mr Kiwi, Nigel, any news or slivers of information you're willing to feed us mere mortals.. With regard to the release of R12? (:

  12. I would like C4D to not crash 2+ times a day doing simple modeling.

  13. Activated the demo's 42 day trial type thing gotta get something done before that runs out...and before college..

  14. I just realised I am missing my first place badge for the scrap racer beginner challenge :( Its the only one i've ever won

  15. the lack of advanced yet simple c4d tutorials for modelling

  16. Dang it's hot here today!! Between 28 and 31 degrees C. :-/

  17. Will Delicate Blue be a permanent skin? I quite like it.

  18. new interface yeah!

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