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  1. Havealot's post in Scale clones to their individual axis center points was marked as the answer   
    @Johnny Maunason For this particular use case the Fracture object isn't the right solution. Just group your objects along with the effector (with deformation set to object) under a null and it should scale relative to the individual axes. 
  2. Havealot's post in Net Ball Simulation Help was marked as the answer   
    @Jaee Is your setup correct? I assume what you are trying to do is to use the simluted (low res) version of a mesh to deform a high res net. But your deformer is a child of the wrong object. 
  3. Havealot's post in Rigid body sim problem was marked as the answer   
    @Karina P Reduce the collision margin to something lower. You can find it here: Project settings -> Bullet -> Expert -> Collision Margin. 0.1 or even 0.05 looked good in my test. 
  4. Havealot's post in Unexpected behavior with Random Selection Capsule was marked as the answer   
    @HappyPolygon Until it is fixed you can use this custom version of the random selection. To install it go to the Asset Browser -> Create menu -> "Import Assets..." and point it at the zip file (don't unzip). After you've done that there will be a new version of the asset, that is more random. 
  5. Havealot's post in Combine multiple vdbs into one single vdb? was marked as the answer   
    @kikilem If you load vdb files they will come in as volume loader objects. Put them in a volume builder and set it to the respective mode (I assume you are using fog volumes). Now you can export that as a vdb. Also works for volume sequences in case your clouds are animating. You can also use this workflow for filtering or resampling vdbs. 
  6. Havealot's post in Greeble not working in R2023.1 ? was marked as the answer   
    @martijnP Here is a fixed version of the asset, that you can use until it is fixed in the data base. Just go to the Asset Browser, choose "Import Assets" from the Create menu, select the zip file (no need to unzip) and choose "Preferences" as your database (or any other db if you have created any). After that your scene file should load with the fixed version of the asset. If not, select the Greeble Assert in the Object Manager, go to the Basic tab and set the Asset Version to either "Latest" or the newest in the dropdown. 
  7. Havealot's post in Booléan problem was marked as the answer   
    @FerLop If you want to bool splines, use the spline mask, not the boolean. 
  8. Havealot's post in CAD Style Wireframe Color was marked as the answer   
    @janan If it's ok to have all of them use the same (not black) color, you can just change the wireframe color in the preferences:

    Scheme Colors > Viewport > Shaded Wire
  9. Havealot's post in Displace + Distribution was marked as the answer   
    You can use the loop over your distribution (the iterate collection node connected to your linear distribution) to vary the seed for each plane. Note though that this will cause an error. The point set node inside your displacer group will get confused since the domain (scope) port is not connected. The scope you want to use is the iteration that goes over your points. 
    Displace + Distribution2.c4d
  10. Havealot's post in Use Effectors to Trigger MoGraph Clone Animation was marked as the answer   
    @Maber Select the Python Effector, open the Python Editor, scroll to line 78 and replace "xrange" with "range". That should fix it. Python was upgraded from 2.7 to 3.0 and this one of the few incompatibilities. 
  11. Havealot's post in Make Proximal Shader "stick" was marked as the answer   
    @kweso I thought a bit more about your problem. If the surface is not deforming (plane in your example), then there is a shader solution. You can use a tracer to record the locations of your sphere and use the proximity to the resulting spline in the shader. The tracer only records locations per frame, so depending on the speed of the traced object you may not get enough points. You can solve that by switching the "Intermediate Points" in the Tracer from "None" to "Natural" and increase the number of points. Example attached. Unfortunately there is now Viewport preview for that shader, so you'll have to render. 
    If you want to animate the plane (PSR), then make the tracer a child of the surface. It records the global position of the traced object in it's local space. 
  12. Havealot's post in Wall cracks and Voronoi fracture was marked as the answer   
    All the pieces are individual and separate objects. The sketch material generates spline based on the setting you've chosen Sketch Style Tag. By default it has folds, creases and borders enabled. You can find explanations for all of the options in the help. Outline might produce what you are after. In worst case you can try to use the geometry glue options in the voronoi fracture to spit out one object for all the none crack parts of the setup. But keep in mind that this will affect dynamics in the scene as you no longer have a convex hull for cheap collisions. 
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