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Janine Pauke

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Everything posted by Janine Pauke

  1. I'm in the first camp, have already switched to Blender. I used to teach Cinema 4D and now I teach Blender, mainly to beginners. MAXON is completely overlooking that group of people, they have nothing to offer them that doesn't cost a fortune. And for me, teaching Cinema 4D is no longer fun because I hate teaching to people who can't afford a decent render engine and have to resort to standard/physical. That's just painful. It's not like people don't have other subscriptions to pay every month, it all adds up, especially with all the addons that you need for C4D... All the good stuff costs extra! I'd rather use all that money to go on fun vacations and use (and teach) Blender instead. Would love to get back to C4D at some point (in addition to Blender) but I'm not getting my hopes up...
  2. Hi Lechuck, Here's my experience. :) My time at London's branding and design agencies as a freelancer was the best time I had 3d project wise. I got a lot of interesting work through two creative staffing(?) agencies (one of them doesn't exist anymore unfortunately, the other one was Aquent). I mostly did visualisations of products and interiors that they were designing, not just stills but also animations. I think as a freelancer you automatically get more respect than as an employee, plus you can charge extra for overtime. I'm not sure how much that overlaps with the advertising agency you work at (is it the same industry? Hmm) but might be interesting for you. I also worked in the VFX industry for a short while in London. And even though I never had to work weekends and not that much overtime almost everyone else did and that didn't feel healthy... Either way I think freelance is the way to go imo. Just don't be stupid like me and ever move away from London, nothing compares to London's creative industry, at least in Europe. Btw do you have a portfolio somewhere to look at? What's your skill level with C4D atm?
  3. Janine Pauke

    Innocent drink

    From the album: Janine

    Rendered with Octane

    © Janine Pauke

  4. Janine Pauke


    Some new stuff
  5. From the album: Janine

    Rendered with Octane, still from this animation: youtube.com/watch?v=IDfOrBP69FE

    © Janine Pauke

  6. From the album: Janine

    Rendered with Octane

    © Janine Pauke

  7. From the album: Janine

    Rendered with Octane, the animation can be seen here: youtube.com/watch?v=_RExYOvZrA8

    © Janine Pauke

  8. From the album: Janine

    Camera mapped product photo, rest 3d, fluid with Realflow, rendered with Octane

    © Janine Pauke

  9. Janine Pauke

    Hot buns!

    From the album: Janine

    Rendered with Octane

    © Janine Pauke

  10. Janine Pauke

    Garnier splash

    From the album: Janine

    Camera mapped product photo, rest 3d, fluid with Realflow, rendered with Octane

    © Janine Pauke

  11. From the album: Janine

    Cosmetics were photographed by Alex Koloskov, rest by me, rendered with Octane

    © Janine Pauke

  12. From the album: Janine

    Rendered with Octane

    © Janine Pauke

  13. Btw I have no idea why I keep typing MAXON in all caps.... very strange! 🤔 Edit: the forum does that automatically lol! Thought I was going mad!
  14. Yeah so far I've only animated simple stuff, and I'm not a character animator so I hope it won't be quite as painful for me. 😉 Indeed I think competition is good for innovation, I also think it's great that so many new people are picking up 3d, no matter what software. I like teaching so that's good for me. 🙂 I hope people at MAXON are watching closely, there's a lot of opportunities currently for companies to show they care, throw your customers a bone... I'm a fan of paying it forward, that's something that MAXON should really think about instead of screwing over their most loyal customers... It'll pay off in the end. I know there's good people working there, I'm sure they do care. They're just not allowed to post their true opinions on the forum. 😉
  15. Another adventurous Blender user here! 😄 Been playing with it for a few weeks now. And now I'm even using it for a paid project, using Eevee to render an animation that would otherwise take ages even with Octane... You know, it's really really tough to learn a new 3D sofware after 25(!) years with Cinema 4D! But for some strange reason I actually enjoy it... It's so different from Cinema that it's like starting from scratch (all the background knowledge helps of course, I learn much faster than a true beginner). Brings me back to how it all started for me. The noob fase! Constantly hitting brick walls but not giving up and googling and youtubing (well not back in those days haha, I actually had to read the manual) until you find the solution (or a workaround) and you just keep going. I kinda stagnated as an artist for years but now I'm forced to learn how to use nodes properly and make nice materials, it's about time. 😉 I relied on Cinema's "easy mode" for too long. And making pretty stuff with Eevee effortlessly is tons of fun. Well I hope I'll still be able to afford Cinema in the future when I need it but since I don't want to be that dependent on whatever silly pricing MAXON comes up with next I'll put my bets on something that'll always be free, including 2 awesome free render engines, fluid sim, particles, smoke etc etc (and don't forget the very active community)... For me it's worth it.
  16. I've been producing some stuff for my instagram account (instagram.com/janine4d) and these turned out so well that I uploaded the project files as well. Drop of light: One of my all time favorite lamps: And the project files, just type in "0" to download them for free: gumroad.com/janine4d
  17. Janine Pauke


    My first project with R20 and Octane 4, I felt like designing some jewellery:
  18. Well you’ve asked for it and I could hardly say no. ;) Here’s my new video tutorial about lighting with Octane. Compatible with R20 and Octane 4 even though it was made with R19 and Octane 3. As promised, reasonably priced at 29 dollars (plus VAT depending on where you live). You’ll get a one hour long narrated (by me of course!) video showing you how to render this light bulb in various different lighting situations. The techniques and the resulting environments can easily be used for your own projects. Here’s the link to the product page for more information and download: https://gum.co/lightingmagic
  19. Felt inspired to make a little interior yesterday, took about 4 hours in total. Rendered in just under 10 minutes in Octane.
  20. Hey, thanks for your feedback. :) Yeah, I'm not an expert when it comes to water and fluids... It's just a formula deformer making the ripples. One day I'll have to invest in something proper for fluids. :)
  21. Thanks! The wips were from the larger animation project. That was before I had animated everything. But I had the whole thing planned in my head from the start. And I'm glad I had the time to do it all. In the meantime I've started making a video tutorial, that's what keeps me busy now. :)
  22. Finally managed to complete my little movie! Rendered with Octane. Took a while on my single graphics card. ;) But was totally worth waiting for.
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