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Everything posted by okazaky

  1. Yes, I understand that my initial post was somehow misleading. Thanks for pointing that out. I edited my summary in the first post 🙂 To clarify: I'm not talking about studios but about individuals (or very smnall studios) earning less than 100k per year with 3D work. Especially individuals who are using C4D to create assets for indie games or other realtime related needs. When It comes to bigger studios, Cinema 4D's pricing is very fair. But I'm really disappointed that there's no indie version for smaller budgets. Other companies seem to act much smarter than MAXON when offering indie versions to certain customers. Cheers, Nicensteiner
  2. Hi, I'm working with C4D since 2005 as my main 3D package and I absolutely love the software. C4D has always been my favourite tool and I've used it for all of my productions. But I think MAXON is heading in a strange direction with their pricing policy in general and I'd like to find out if other customers share my opinion or if it's just me. Firstly, I'd like to summarize my opinion: C4D is just too expensive compared to other 3D packages and there should be a lower priced indie version of C4D for individuals or smaller studios with a revenue <100k per year. Here's why: If you compare the prices of the most common 3D packages, C4D's price is ridiculously high. Maya Indie: 327,25 € per year 3Ds Max Indie: 327,25 € per year Houdini Indie: 222,15 € per year (or 329,50 € for two years which is equal to 164,75 € per year) Cinema 4D: 724,79 € (compared to Maya and Max: +121%, Compared to Houdini: +226%) Basically C4D is about 121% more expensive than Maya and Max per year and 226% (or 340% if you choose a 2 year Houdini subscription) more expensive than Houdini. And that's the comparison with the most basic version of C4D. If you need redshift for VDB renderings or just the GPU speed, it becomes even more expensive. I don't take Blender's existence into account because it seems a little bit like comparing apples to oranges if you compare a free tool with a paid one. But nevertheless, Blender is actually a GREAT alternative to all other packages and I think it has become a very serious competitor. I personally switched to a combination of Blender and Houdini Indie and I think it's a very powerful toolset. But I have to admit that I'm a little bit broken hearted and a C4D Indie version would make me very happy. So what do you think about the pricing? Am I missing something? What's your opinion about this? I'd really like to hear about it! Cheers, Nicensteiner
  3. Hi, I'm wondering if it's theoretically possible to create 2D fluids with fields and vertex colors on a simple plane mesh. I've seen some quite amazing raindrops and other similar effects that have been achieved with fields on a simple plane and so I'm really curious if you could also achieve something more advanced like this: Practical Fluid Mechanics If so, could someone please share some thoughts on how to get such results? Thanks and best regards, Daniel
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