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  1. keppn's post in Want Sound to drive an animation... yet not be heard on render was marked as the answer   
    Hey Ras, 
    you can add multiple audio-files to the timeline: 
    Make a null object Drag it to the timeline (dopesheet) In the Dopesheet: Rightclick -> Add Special Track -> Sound
      Now you have multiple audio-tracks in the timeline. In the Attributes Manager, you can "mute" a track by unclicking "use sound". The respective audio track will be grayed out, so can see in the visual representation which audio-track is active. 
    Muted tracks can still be referenced by other parts of C4D, so this should work for you. 

    Please make it a habit to render out only image files from C4D. Sound and Effects should be added in AfterEffects/Premiere/Whatever. Directly rendering movies including sound is quite prone to error and not as flexible. 
  2. keppn's post in New project with the need for faster renderings was marked as the answer   
    I made a quick test to compare rendertime with Redshift on a RTX4090. 
    Resolution is 4000 x 10000 px, Rendertime ~ 55 seconds. 
    So yeah, changing engines would most definitely speed up things, even on other GPUs. 

  3. keppn's post in Using lidar scans for camera calibration was marked as the answer   
    Whatever works! 😄
    Also, sometimes it's just the time to walk a new path, even if the first walk isn't the fastest. New tech tends to pay off tremendously down the line, so props to you! Thanks for sharing 🙂
  4. keppn's post in How to transfer animation from new "Take" to the Main Take? was marked as the answer   
    Right-click on the object or tag -> Take-Submenu -> Delete from all takes
    And, yeah, that command definitely needs a better wording, it's totally counter-intuitive...
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