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No Name

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Posts posted by No Name

  1. After looking around the net. It seems you can not extract the Red shift RS textures from the lib4d file to use in houdini is this correct? Are they locked to c4d? If not how do you extract them?

  2. A little bit of both. for some reason i got another trial lic. but I am not sure what they are doing are they giving me another 30 days or what i have no idea. I don't want to un install but it looks like I am going to have to un install everything. This is ^%@!kkkkking retarded. I now have 2 lic files under 2 different addresses. one i guess is stuck at 10 days and the other well I have no idea.

  3. Ok that was a stupid mistake how ever the problem is that i bought all this training but it was not (some) of it was not built for red shift and I am having problems.  You see the snow. Even if I apply a object tag to the snow you see nothing. This is a better example file. Because things are turned on yet snow or rain will never show. This is the main problem i am having. Things are turned on tags are added and still nothing.

    02c - Snow - Rendering (Complete).c4d

  4. I have a demo of XP and i have training files. It seems that XP never want to render. View port you can see them but when you go to render them in redshift or octane they just won't show. I have no idea why. I bought LEO training and those work but no one else not even from XP files from the main web site. Anyone want to answer why? I only have a few days left so just thought i would ask.

  5. Nah These forums are dead man. Head on over to reddit you might find some answers. Cg talk died as well. Hell I even went to the XP forum and that place does not seem active at all either. And if you do post any question it seems the default answer from the rep is always something along the lines of

    Please contact Customer Services using the contact form below for information


    I don't want to bash anyone just that when ever he/she replys he just says use the contact form. I am a trial user so i don't get support so i can't tell you either way but i guess try sending all your questions to the support team.




    I am a supporter of his so i get downloads and i got the .c4d file. I am still working on building mine but i see changes in XP interface and in general mine does not look like his so far.  I am just wondering If someone builds a XP system can you just plug your objects in and have them work or do you have to do it from scratch each time? For any XP system not just the one he build for this project.


    So far i have learned that i will not be buying XP until the GPU support is added. Jesus.


    On a side note. I went to export the file and It was eating up 30GB+ for the octane .orbx I forced closed it. Very strange behavior going on and i am going to give it to the XP team to let them see what is going on. That just does not seem normal.

  7. Were do you guys go to look for Professionals that are c4d/octane?


    I had a guy over in the UK that did a lot of work for me but times hit him hard and now I am out the last project i paid for and never got. I am in the USA. some times the projects are big other times they are small. For example I am looking right now if some one can re create a shader ball scene in c4d from the orbx he sent me with a different ball. Just not sure who or were i should go to start building a new relationship with for all future work. 

  8. I don't know a lot on this topic. But i re formatted my computer updated to R23 went to my account in Otoy and downloaded the latest ver. open up the Original caustic scene took the cup out but this time i applied the his material used to make the whiskey and not the glass material used for the cup set my size to 13/13/13cm and not 10/10/10cm  and well take a look.




  9. Yeah my "store".  I am about to give up today. I get NOTHING like that even after 90,000 samples. NOTHING. and trying to do test on a 2080 is taking all day to do just a few test runs. I would be willing to pay $50 if some one could sort this out for me. Pay pal of course.


    I am doing cg shortcuts class right now and he used another object and it works with the other object but not the gumroad infinity stone. refraction is already set to 1 highest setting. I really have no idea what is going on. I am going crazy with all setting and getting nothing or fire flys. I'm really desperate now.


    (Edit) something is clearly wrong in some of the settings. I am just trying anything at this point

    Screenshot (27)_result.jpg

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