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Everything posted by FlowerID

  1. Thanks for the quick reply! I did copy the whole thing, but then deleted it because it caused other problems. But maybe some polygons remained, I will definitely check again! Is there a way to highlight coplanar surfaces, like some programs can highlight duplicate lines, or similar? Or should I just search by hand? Edit: I checked if there were any duplicate surfaces but didn't find any, though the render still shows the weird triangular lines. I also tried untriangulating the surfaces, after converting the current state to an object, but without any success Edit 2: for anyone in the future who may see this: The problem never was with the polygon, instead one of the lights had the shadow map (soft) activated. After changing it to Raytraced (Hard) or Area, it works!
  2. Do you mean the weird triangles that appear while rendering? If so, then no, those are not intentional, just a problem I haven't fixed yet. The farthest that I got in that regard is that if I turn off all lighting and just use GI, the triangles disappear, so I suspected some issue with the phong, but I don't have the slightest idea how to fix that
  3. That makes sense. Thank you both for your answers! 🙂
  4. Thank you for your reply! I figured that I was doing it wrong. Though it generates the question why there even is the option to change the scale, if it doesn’t output in the render and never should be used anyways. I already checked if i was using the correct camera multiple times though, so I'm pretty sure on that one at least. also, here is the link for the dropbox, i thought that maybe it wasn't needed https://www.dropbox.com/s/3n1g97zovwn7eir/1.7b_SWFC_Texturieren.c4d?dl=0
  5. Hi, I'm new to Cinema and I have this problem, where I used the camera scaling (under coordinates) to change the scaling of the camera slightly to adjust the perspective to better fit the original (its a uni project). The problem is, the scaling works fine on the preview window, but when i render it, the scaling disappears (and i created a copy of the original cam without the scaling to check if that really is the source of the problem). As You can see in the attached images, the preview fits the original pretty well, while the render is slightly smaller and thicker. I checked about every box on the camera settings, triple checked if i used the right camera and tried finding a solution online, but without success. Any help would be highly appreciated!
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