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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/2019 in all areas

  1. I really haven't done much with C4D in a long time apart from make small things to print. I am missing the big projects so I have decided to dive back in. I realised how rusty I am with everything character related and that my previous methods would just not cut it. So, its back to tutorials and new better techniques. This animations theme is all about anxiety and general understanding of metal health and a story is loosely set surrounding a poem written by a good friend of mine. I found a tutorial series on YouTube which was perfect to capture the style I wanted so although it was in Maya and in a language I didn't understand I could follow along enough to start my main character. There is still much to do and things to change but I wanted to share my progress here as I haven't done that for quite some time. I also watched some great tutorials on the hair tools and using splines to get the shape you want and it worked a treat. Its early days but I am excited to be using C4D and pushing myself again. it cost too much not to use it properly. I welcome any crits but please bear in mind I have only just started and nothing is final.
    3 points
  2. Gave it a try as well. I've reduced the collision tolerance to 0.01cm, increased the steps per frame and maximum solver iterations per frame. The spheres now have "Ellipsoid" as collision, which is way, way faster than per poly collision (which is the Static or Dynamic Mesh setting). Now that I've seen the document I take back what I said about Cerberas method; it's totally justified here. Nothing wrong with it. If you want to play with the settings of the simulated objects you have to clear the caches first. I just added them for convenience. Hope this still helps :) Perputuum Mobile.zip
    1 point
  3. Cerbera, Thank you SO much for getting the file to work! You saved the day because it is for my boy who works for the YouTube channel Space Time and it was on a deadline. Very kind of you! BigAl3D: I will try those changes you suggest and see if that makes it work as well as the Cerbera version. Dynamics sure can get frustrating. Thanks for your thoughts. DasFrodo: I will give that a try too.
    1 point
  4. I got it so the balls don't fly out of the structure. A couple of things. Number one is the size of you objects. They are tiny. Any time you're using physics or physical lighting/rendering, scale matters. These simulations are trying to simulate the real world, and when your scene is so small, the calculations are basically "low resolution." Maybe if you crank up the Steps and the Solver Iterations. Not sure. So I scaled your objects up so the group is around 3,700 cm tall. Yours is only 18 cm tall. Basically, I scaled it up until your spheres were similar size to the default sphere. Also your Collision shape is set to Automatic. I switched it to Moving Mesh. Make sure the spheres are not intersecting with the collision mesh. I also played with Mass and Gravity.
    1 point
  5. ...because plymsh14's collision mode is set to automatic. Change to moving mesh fixed it for me... some will still fall out the side though, so I added 2 simple invisible collider boxes either side of the spinny thing, and now all our balls stay where they are put :) i also set dynamics scale to 1 cm in Project / dynamics /expert settings. perpetum mobile cbr.c4d CBR
    1 point
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