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Everything posted by octotaco

  1. Hellloo Motion Designer and 3D Artist Friends! Do you have a few minutes to help the AE team make some big decisions around 3D workflows and After Effects? If so, we would love it if you could take this short (and hopefully kinda fun) survey! And if you're so inclined, please feel free to share with others! You can take the survey right over here Mods - I wasn't sure where to post this, so please remove if this isn't the correct location.
  2. Thanks for the response. I figured it might be a long shot, but with all of the procedural magic C4D is able to pull off, I thought there might be a chance. What I'm essentially trying to do is apply a different shader to where noise fields affects my cube in a volume builder. So the unaffected clean sides of the cube could be rock and the inside could appear to be molten as the noise field moves across it.
  3. I'm trying to see if there is a way to generate a vertex map on a parametric object and then use that vertex map to drive an octane shader. I've been trying to use the correction deformer to do this, but I haven't had much luck. See the attached scene for a simple example. Any help would be greatly appreciated! parametric_vertex_octane.c4d
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