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  1. I have a camera with Target tag on it. Both the camera and the null object which is used in the Target Tag have animation on them (baked keys animation because all of this was taken from my colleague who works in 3ds max). I know the base principle of exporting cameras from C4D to AE and did it earlier but never before I had in these cases cameras with Target Tag. So may be it's pretty simple but I couldn't find any information on this case. Please help! Thank you. SIncerely, Korneus.
  2. Ah! Also it seems that displacement doesn't work. 8( Which is also seen on screenshots that I've attached.
  3. WOW! Looks absolutely gorgeous! Thank you very much for your help and your time! I downloaded your version, relinked materials. There are no gaps between sides but I've got one problem with texture, it stretches in some places (please see the attached pics). May be it is the result of me not switching between the types of displacement which you have mentioned (from voxel vector displacement to subdivided poly). I am sorry but I don't knoiw how to switch it. May be it is because of my old version of octane which potentially doesn''t have such a switch. Or may be it is another problem? Thank you very much!
  4. Cerbera, thank you very much, hope your client work was succesfull! I ve saved my project with assets and here it is. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/MSY8Ry0I1wJJUg May be you will find a minute to check it. Thank you!
  5. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Cerbera! Before going to sculpt I've remodeled my form from scratch for the sake of even mesh formed from four squared polys. Tried to apply my materials again but the problem stayed.
  6. Thank you very mach for the answer. I think in this situation all I can do is switch off displacement in this materials and make sculpt to have this type of relief details.
  7. Dear, collegues, please help with the displacement problem. I extruded triangle, then made Current State to Object. Placed the geometry into the Connect object and added Bevel deformer to make a fillet on the edges. Also I added two Octane materials with displacement using selected polygons. Dark version for the caps and light for the sides. Also I switched off angle limit in my geometry Phong tag as it is recommended here: https://80.lv/articles/guide-how-to-adjust-octane-renders-pesky-edge-displacement/ The problem is that my geometry is in the exploded state in Octane Live Viewer as seen on the attached screenshot. Please help me with a fix. Also my other question is how can I add materail to my fillets staying with parametric Bevel. Thankl you very much!
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