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  1. I'm currently working on a plugin which necessitates being able to adaptively create skinned meshes based on data read from a file. I've managed to get it to the point where a correctly jointed structure is created underneath the mesh, according to the data provided. It is here that I am encountering an issue. I've been able to successfully select the mesh and all the joints that are below it, but I cannot figure out how to then use the bind the selection in Python. I've tried calling "c4d.CallCommand(1019881, 1019881)" which is supposed to be the equivalent of the "Bind" command, but it doesn't seem to be working. Does anyone know why this might be the case, or if there is an alternate way to do this via code?
  2. EDIT: While the QuickTab method works for the basic GUI results I need, the documentation surrounding QuickTabs is really rather lacking. It may sound like a dumb question, but how do I go about populating the created CUSTOMGUI_QUICKTAB with child GUI elements, such as groups?
  3. Oooh- that's more like it! Thanks a lot for your help, this was really throwing me for a loop!
  4. Hello, I've recently been working on creating a Python plugin that necessitates having a number of icons housed inside multiple folding/collapsing panes in a GeDialog window. Unfortunately, I've been encountering a number of issues in creating the folding/collapsing panes I desire. I've already attempted to use the numerous variations of the BFV_ BORDERGROUP_FOLD groupflag with the GeDialog.GroupBegin() method, but all of them appear to be bugged, so that the panes permanently disappear when clicked on. Additionally, they are, quite simply, ugly. Ideally, I want my panes to look and act similar to the folding panes in the Attributes editor (I've attached an image of what I'm talking about for reference). I was curious if anyone here had had any success with getting a folding pane to work, and if they had any suggestions for getting mine to work? Thanks!
  5. In your image, the bevel modifier appears to apply uniformly to all of the edges I want to bevel. However, when I open the file you attached, most of the bevels on the edges which appear correctly in your image appear broken, or terribly malformed. Any idea what might be causing this? (As a sidenote, in order to work with the library I already have, the offset should be 0.1 mm.)
  6. Hi, I'm currently working with a mesh where I need to bevel a set of selected edges, but despite working in the past, the bevel tool doesn't seem to be working. I've gone through all the steps of cleaning up the mesh, and making it an optimized, watertight piece, before attempting to create a 0.1 mm, subdivision level 2, concave bevel on selected edges. When I actually apply the bevel, however, no changes are made to the mesh. Considering that I've been able to bevel meshes correctly with the same settings, I've included the model in case anyone wanted to check it for issues with it that might be causing my problem. (The edges I want to bevel are in the Edge Selection Tag.) Thanks! BrokenBevel.c4d
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