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  1. @ABMotion Hi thanks that tutorial really helped a lot! I finally have the buttons controlling the different poses. Though when I keyframe the data I get a choppy look because the transition from one pose to the other is sudden. There must be a way to fix it but unfortunately it is beyond my understanding of Xpresso haha. Does anyone here know whether there is a forum or something specified for xpresso help? Thanks! Marcus Hamelink
  2. @Alec No worries i appreciate the help anyway. I actually had no idea of the time track and time might be useful for future things :)
  3. @Alec Hi! Thanks for your response! I just don't understand how using a time track can help me with what I'm doing. I'm looking to have it so that in my user data I get to click on one of the options (the A sound for the mouth for example) and then in the pose morph the slider for A goes to 100% and the others go to 0%. I hope it's clearer now. Thank you! Marcus Hamelink
  4. Hi everyone! As I also talked about in my last thread, I'm creating this human rig and right now I'm in the process of creating mouth controls. I have a setup where parts of the lips are linked to a pose morph who are linked to a controller. That is going fine. Though I thought that if I want to do some lip syncing, it would be annoying to remake the mouth pose for every frame. Even if I copy and paste the keyframe I would still have to remake the pose in the beginning. In After Effects, when you want to lip sync a character (at least how I would do it) is using a composition layer with all the different mouths and then apply a time remap to easily call the needed positions. In the picture I attached I show the way I would like to have the time remapping-like feature. When I click and keyframe one of the buttons, the corresponding pose morph slider goes to 100% and the others fall back to 0%. I have to use Xpresso for this but have trouble figuring it out (I know only some basics of it). Could someone help me with this? Thank you very much! Marcus Hamelink
  5. Hello! So in the end, I used a paypal account to pay because I didn't find any other alternative. The plugin is AMAZING! I saved countless hours of work thanks to it! Thanks!
  6. Yeah I was just looking for something on the valkaari website itself haha
  7. Oh! After looking around a bit, I found out how to do it. I went to the paypal page and went on create account and there it was.
  8. @Cerbera I'm sorry I didn't sepcify. I usually use the full version of c4d so I used the demo to try out the plugin.
  9. Hello everyone, I have discovered a plugin called delta mush and have tried it using the demo version of c4d. It has been giving me amazing results so I decided to buy it. However, when I go to valkaari.com , select the plugin and proceed to checkout, I can't find something to pay via credit card. Could someone tell me where it is? Sorry if it seems obvious. Also, I decided to ask here because the site doesn't seem to be very active. Thanks! -Marcus
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