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Everything posted by lasagna

  1. Heyo Guys, Just wanted to get some recommendations on what Cinema 4d plugins you use that have genuinely made your workflow more efficient or made your life a bit easier when making projects?
  2. In your experience what is the best way to facial rig a character as quickly and comprehensively as possible. I am currently using cinema 4d with rokoko studio and a motion capture suit to animate my 3d characters but the faces are static. How can I add facial capture to my workflow? it is the one aspect of 3d animation that seems to elude me. the image is just the grid view of a character i motion captured to move but again, the face is static which is limiting.
  3. wow yeah i had a dynamics tag on the connectors but not on the mesh itself, i thought the connectors were driving the mesh so much so that it wasnt needed but thank you so much it works perfectly now and ill clean it up just wanted to understand the mechanics. Also seriously thanks for such a quick response.
  4. I ragdolled my character last night, open the scene this morning and my character wont move and all the connectors i made are red. additionally, if i try and add a connector any new connectors are red too.
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