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Everything posted by Jengo

  1. Hey Cairyn, thanks for replying! Yes right now the face model is on its own, and there are separate nulls containing each set of assets. I'd love to DM you if possible
  2. So I have a face model, and I have 8 different hats, 8 glasses, and 8 beard models. I need to create random combinations of hat/glasses/beard on the face every frame, so that eventually every combination is used. Would love to get some help on that, and will be willing to pay if needed. Thanks!
  3. Dude, thank you so so much. That really is so helpful. Any chance I could get your contact info? It seems to me like this project is a sort of a tip of an iceberg and I would love to collaborate on upcoming projects if you have the time or will to work on stuff.
  4. Dude that's amazing, thank you so much for taking the time! I have two questions if I may, 1. I see that whenever I restart the play, the random process is different. It's actually important in this project for me to have the same random sequence everytime I go back to the project. (I'm going to render the first few thousands, then at a later point have to render the rest, so I have to make sure non of the preivous combinations are repeated) 2. In this case, I actually need to have *any* kind of combination so repeating objects in the combination need to exist (1, 1, 1, 1) (1, 2, 2, 2) etc. Is there an easy way to make *any* combination exist? Thanks again man
  5. Hey, so here's my situation: I have a set of 20 objects I have a cloner with 4 clones, with all the 20 objects as children (so it shows only 4 at a time) What I need is to get the cloner to show every combination of the 20 obejcts every set number of frames Thing is, they can't repeat. I know it's like 100k combinations or so, I might not export all of them but I still need to be able to have every frame show a unique different combination, for wtvr amount of frames it takes till every combination runs out. I know it'll probably take some xpresso or python, I just don't know how to approach it. I tried using the "Random" sorting option and changing the seed every frame, but I can already tell some combinations are repeated here and there. Thanks!
  6. Hey guys, wanted to share with you my new (and third ever) tutorial. I mixed up some known techniques to make an object gradually melt, and decided to share the technique with you! Inspired by an animation I made on my IG, where I used RealFlow. So coming soon a tutorial showing how to do this in RealFlow.
  7. Hey everybody, I just recently made my first tutorial ever. I'm really happy to share this! And hope people can learn some new tricks from it. http://www.youtube.com/embed/2l602jYjA2Y I've been getting requests as to how I made this animation a few months ago, which is why I made it. And of course, I appreciate any comments or suggestions since I want to make better and better tutorials. Sharing knowledge for free is key to develop a substantial community and industry - that's how I got into 3D!
  8. Hey! So I was amazed by this project by Pasha Ho who created a dynamic scaling effect with Python. Here is the video: https://vimeo.com/344321211 And a sketch of the rough way it's scaling: You can see more on his Behance Question: Since I'm not going to dive into Python, any idea on how to recreate this effect using c4d's native or external plugins? I tried using mograph cloner and messing around with the shader effector, also tried with voronoi fracture but nothing feels as dynamic. Any ideas? Thanks!
  9. Hey I really hope someone can help me with this - basically what I'm trying to do is create an animation that would be projected on 4 walls. What I have right now is a very wide animation that would be split into 4, each section projected on each wall. My problem is getting the beginning of the first wall to seamlessly connect with the end of the 4th wall - which means the left-end and the right-end need to complete each other.... I have some convoluted ways I'm trying to work it but I was wondering if anyone has tried to do it and has a strategy for it. Thanks!
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