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To Gr

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  1. Well, that was not really working as the the characters morph deformer Tag doesn't work anymore with "force" enabled.
  2. I think I found the problem (in case some have the same issue): In the skin modifier of the character, "include" tab, "force" has to be enabled to get the deformed points correctly into a vertex map.
  3. Hi, I have two rigged characters and want to create a vertex map on each that shows the distance/intersection with the opposite character. When adding the character mesh to the vertex fields (point mode with 20 cm radius), the vertex mesh is only affected by the static character and ignores the bone deformation of the rig. As for the character with the field Tag, I had to activate “Use deformed Points”, but there is no such option for the mesh source character of in vertex map field. The only workaround I found so far is to put each character in a Connect Object and drag the Connect Object in the vertex map field. It works, but it slows down the viewport performance a lot. Is there a specific trick to use a deformed mesh as point source field correctly?
  4. To Gr


    Do you mean the script window? When open the .py it shows: # RingLoop - shortcut Loop with skip amount of 2 # 'SkipAmount' represents the number of edges to skip in the loop selection # # Assign a shortcut to this script # (for this to work you'll need RingLoop v0.4) import c4d SkipAmount = 2 if __name__=='__main__': c4d.CallCommand(1055574, SkipAmount) When hitting execute, nothing happens.
  5. To Gr


    Very useful function! However, I can't make v6 it work in R23. Tried to put in the the program and preferences plugin folder, put the py shortcuts in the scrips folder... What did I miss? Edit: It doesn't show in in the Extensions (plugin) menu. The shortcuts appear in User Scrips, but selecting them doesn't alter an the edge selection. I can see the RingloopR23.pypw in the Plugin manager. But without + and plugin child.
  6. Hi, I am trying to select polygons in field mode, such as shown in this tutorial: However, I can't make it work. Tried every kind of field but polygon selection does not react. R23. I'm using fields quite often in vector maps, which works perfect. Any hint? Many thanks!
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