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Everything posted by BashiBazouk

  1. To be honest, I cannot remember how long. I use an AMD 7 GPU on a Mac, Big Sur. R23
  2. Hi, I get a black screen when closing any project. I've seen lots of results for fixing this by disabling OpenGL in the preferences, but that doesn't seem applicable to R23. Can anyone suggest a different fix?
  3. Yes, sorry I chose text as it is generally similar to the projects I'm working on. It could be text or it could be a object of cheese with holes, I just wanted to know the best practice really. Doesn't look like there is a straight forward solution And yes, for text it would make sense to alter/thicken the spline Thanks
  4. Thanks for your V. helpful replies to this. As you can see on the visual, cloth generator isn't ideal for this: Move normals is promising. As you can see from the top of the X, it's not perfect either, but certainly the closest solution: I would've liked a non-destructive, so will look down the ExplosionFX route.... Xplosia route interesting, but the move normals seems like the best way so far
  5. Is there an easy way of 'growing' or shrinking (offset?) the geometry of an object. The closest I've found is the cloth generator, but it's not reliable. Thanks
  6. Anyone know how I can recreate this in either the Formula Effector or Xpresso? Thanks!
  7. I like this. I managed to create some overlap on the sequence too by adding: clamp(0;1;(id<=t)*(t-id)/1.5) I had a couple of other queries that i couldn't figure out: • Delayed start - I've achieved this using: clamp(0;1;(id<=(t-10))*((t-10)-id)/1.5) which works but I wondered if there was a better way? I tried keyframing the 'Enabled' parameter a couple of seconds but it still runs from frame 0. • Can you ease the clones? (Sine ease in /out instead of linear)? Thanks again
  8. This is amazing! Thanks. Is it possible to use the formula alongside another effector? Eg: If I wanted the y values to be random or the end positioning on a spline effector
  9. Thanks for confirming this. I'll look down the Xpresso route
  10. Forgive me if this is the wrong sub-forum, but I've had a look everywhere and I think the only thing left to try is Xpresso. I'm attempting to animate a sequence like this without keyframes (for the purposes of this demo I've used keyframes): I'd like to use a plain effector with offset, but the closest I've come is using a falloff, which doesn't do them sequentially: Another idea would be to use a formula Effector. But I cannot seem to find a decent formula that does the animation in the first example: Is there something I can try using Xpresso? Thanks
  11. Thanks for this! My next question would be how to remove the segments. I thought I could do this by converting the disc to editable and melting the inner segments, but it produces odd results:
  12. hi there, I am attempting to slice up a cube into cylinders. I thought I could maybe do this with a circle spline: What I'm looking for is something similar to this: Is this possible? Thanks
  13. Thanks for replying. I have a lot of frame hold keyframes in too, so if I have 8 cameras that would mean adjusting 16 keyframe values I guess that answers my question, I was just checking I wasn't missing something. Thanks again
  14. I am using the fantastic Camera Morph function, which has improved my workflow no end. I wondered if there is a way of specifying which camera in the timeline? Currently I have 4 cameras, and I animate between them using percentages 25% for each camera. If I then later want to insert another camera, I have to change all my percentages to 20% increments, which is a bit of a hassle. Is there a more efficient method than percentages? Ideally I'd like to specify each camera in the keyframe using R23. Thanks
  15. Hi, I have just bought XP and it seems the dynamics system in it can do everything and more that the default C4D dynamics system can do. Am I best using the XP dynamic over the default one? I found this thread which seems to conclude that XP Dynamics is buggy, ad C4D Dynamics is preferable:
  16. Hi, I've come across something odd when trying to centre groups containing instances. When you apply a material to an instance object, the centring works fine. However, when you apply a material to the instance reference the centring boundaries are ignored. Is this normal? See attached gif. Thanks
  17. Hi, is it possible to control values for the noise shader through Xpresso? - In particular, "Loop period" or "Animation Speed"
  18. Hi there. Is there a node or user data module that is able to retrieve the total amount of frames on a timeline? The total time in seconds would do too Eg: This is 75 frames long at 25fps 3 secs long: Many thanks
  19. ok thanks. I don't remember selecting the version
  20. BashiBazouk


    Hi there. New to Cinema 4D, but used a lot of 3D in other programs in the past. Where is the best place to post annoying newbie questions? GENERAL DISCUSSIONS area? Just thought I'd check. Thanks!
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