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Everything posted by NoaX

  1. Hi guys, In After effects there is this life saving plugin called ease copy https://aescripts.com/easecopy/ I'm sure there has to be an equivalent plugin for c4d I just can't find it. I found a plugin for c4d in this forum https://forums.cgsociety.org/t/ease-and-wizz-style-plugin-for-c4d/1441155 but the post is so old that the plugin itself doesn't exist either.
  2. Would love to get a file of this, I'm trying to achieve this effect. Essentially I want to control the colors with octane materials. @BJasper same here 🙂 trying to solve this simple effect as well.
  3. Thank you very much, I've made two additional post on the forum hopefully I'll hear from your help 🙂 Cheers.
  4. Hello everyone, Today I'm trying to achieve what seems like a simple effect but I haven't had much luck with it. (Check the summary at end of post to see what i'm trying to achieve) Here are my early ideas/concepts: Idea (Set selection + Fields) Note: It's possible the effect i'm looking for is achieved with vertex mapping and fields, and I have not used these techniques correctly due to the fact that i'm a motion artist who has primarily worked with After effects and now happily joining the C4D world. 1. Start with a plane 2. Set a polygon selection 3. Enable 'fields' 4. Add 'spherical field' result (1): https://ibb.co/mbrtyvq Thoughts: Not at all what I wanted, I was hoping that I would be able to control the expansion of the material unto the plane, instead it create an interesting pixel like effect, will save this for a more graphics project. Idea 2: I'm struggling with getting the effect to work on a plane, so let's simplify and try the magic cloners. 1. Create clone > Object mode 2. Insert sphere to plane polygon center 3. Add spherical field and enable color remap Result(2): https://ibb.co/VMkjv9M This works for controlling the color of each clone through a gradient (Super cool) however it only renders in the physical render engine, when I try to render in octane the effect fails, I have tried to add an octane object tag but that did not work. Summary: I'm trying to achieve the ability to control the color of materials using fields. Essentially I'm trying to achieve this effect and render within octane. https://ibb.co/chCgscv 00:1 - 00:2 -- I can achieve this effect fairly simply in after effects but unsure how to go about it on C4D despite trying several options. Hopefully someone can shed a light on this. Here is the file I have so far https://drive.google.com/file/d/18zvS88OQDVgv5N_yEzsCT_yfC_xx9VBE/view?usp=sharing I doubt it will help much.
  5. This is my first post on the community aside from my introduction. I have more experience working with hard-surface models on C4D than I do with effects. Recently I came across this effect which I found here Effect Video (0:38 - 0:42) The entire production is filled with effects, some that I got right away from my general knowledge, others that I'm able to find by searching on Youtube and other places. But this one effect in particular I find difficult to crack. My first thought is to create a plane with a lot of points, then use a matrix on a sphere to place them to each point on the plane. Use the step effect or fracture to explode the spheres upwards, or maybe a formula to achieve waves. However the tricky part is that this effect seamlessly morphs into the rectangle shape, and each sphere has a different color but becomes plastic on contact with the surface. I'm hoping someone could help with this, and maybe help me create a file for this effect and we can share it with everyone. Cheers 🙂
  6. Hello, I'm a UI/UX designer and 2D motion artist. For about 2-3 years I have been learning C4D. I started my adventure with a lot of tutorials on modeling hard-surfaces, although I don't consider myself an expert yet and hope to learn more. One of the areas I want to improve is working better with details and holes on surfaces that bend such as tiny intricate details on the band of a watch. Another goal of mine is to improve my Mograph skills. Looking forward to starting awesome techniques debates on this. You can find some of my existing work here https://www.instagram.com/nelsonnoa/
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