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  1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/world/corona-simulator/ Maybe this will help - I'm trying to create a 3D animation similar to the one in the article (different data, different scenario). In the first main animation of the 200 person town, one or two sick dots (orange) collide with the blue dots (healthy) and turn the dots orange, and so on, until the entire town is orange. We have tried using a particle effect, or cloner, but cannot figure out the right way to set up the collider, that changes the color on collision, stays that color, then change other blue to orange. Also, not literate in xpresso, but certainly want to learn. Thanks!!
  2. Hrvoje - It appears the balls change on collision with the plain, not with another ball - is that correct? This is very close to what we need except the collision needs to occur with the balls themselves, so when a red ball collides with a blue, it causes the blue ball to change red. We are wanting the balls to change on collision with each other, not a plain. Is it possible to have the clones collide with each other and change color? Or is it possible to set it up so just one blue sphere collides with red ball and the blue changes to red? This is clearly beyond my knowledge and skill at this point, but appreciate the help. Talley
  3. Hrvoje - this is terrific. Trying to break it down to see exactly what you did, so I can replicate it for my scenario. I'm sure I will have questions! Thanks so much, appreciate it.
  4. Thanks. I found lots of ideas about using a proximity tag and shader effector but I just can't figure it out. If I used individual spheres (instead of particles) would it be possible? Thanks for the help!
  5. Hi - I'm new to this forum as well as C4D, so bear with me. I'm trying to create an animation where there are blue spheres (say 500 total) and red spheres (12 to start) moving around in an enclosed sphere. I'd like the blue spheres to permanently change to red, when they come into contact or close proximity to a red sphere. Basically showing an exponential growth of red spheres - so 12 turn into 24, 48, 96, etc. I've tried extensively to figure this out, going thru many tutorials but my skills are lacking. If I use particle emitters, I don't know how to individually change the spheres when they collide. If anyone knows of a fairly easy solution, I would be most grateful! Thanks!
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