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  1. I have a snake moving along a spline, with a spline wrap and an animated offset, working fine. The problem is I want to have a flicking tongue. The tongue animates out, up, and down. When I make the tongue a child of the snake, the spline offset animation gets wonky, because the length of the snake is changing. So the second thing I tried was to constrain the tongue to a point in the snake's mouth. However in xpresso, following this guide, it doesn't work, guessing because of the spline wrap animation. Then I tried to get Cactus Dan's point constraint tools going, downloaded and unzipped them into my plugins folder, but they wouldn't show up under my plugins, so hit a roadblock there. File is attached. Any guidance greatly appreciated, thanks. point constraint.c4d
  2. oh yeah the volume builder totally worked! took me about 5 minutes. have never used it before. All I did was: -extrude my design -put it in a volume object -add smoothing -put it in a volume mesher and convert to edit mode -boole half the object away thanks for your help everyone.
  3. Hi CBR, the file is a logo so I can't upload it, I'm using R20 on my work computer. I'm doing the following: 1) importing illustrator shape 2) extruding the the shape in Y axis 3) selecting the top edge and using bevel: I'm not familiar with the new extrude object bevels, is there a setting to prevent intersections? I know that extrude has a fillet cap option, but that puffs out the shape in an undesirable way: thanks!
  4. ah thanks I haven't messed around with the volume tools. will check it out!
  5. Hi all, I want to make some text that looks like one of these hard gel stickers: I guess I would describe it as a 'meniscus'. I've made text with a spline in Illustrator and brought it into C4D, however a simple bevel overlaps in bad ways (as you can see below), specially where the area gets thin. I just can't think of a workaround except going around and hand pushing the vertices. Any suggestions appreciated, thanks.
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