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Everything posted by skalape

  1. You can do it also with relative layer, but motion source must be created/converted from relative layer, then you can drop it to relative layer and animation appear correctly. For me collapsing these layers to default layer is working good.
  2. I create Motion System, add layer, then in Motion Mode, drag'n'drop Motion Source to abs/rel layer you created and it's there, then if you want, you can merge it down to Default layer, and delete Motion system, and animation is right on controlers/objects.
  3. Thanks for detailed explanation, when I first time read your answer, I didn't see pictures. I know that possibilities jumping between motion system and motion mode, I discovered that I can put motion clip back to "classic" animation layer, or then merge it down to Default layer and animation back on controlers, but I did not noticed that switching between abs/rel/mix mode under motion clip, so thank you. It would be nice, they will look on that, looks like bug.
  4. It's on Cineversity https://www.cineversity.com/vidplaytut/introduction_to_animation_layers_part_1 look at 1:42
  5. Hmmm, but when I convert it to Motion Clip, then it disappears from Motion System, and Motion layers are visible only in Motion Mode, and there I can't see absolute/relative switching.
  6. Hi people, please, could you direct me, how to switch relative animation layer to absolute, or back? I saw it in tutorial, that's possible by clicking on the icon "a" or "r" on layer in motion system, but nothing happened. Also with ctrl, shift, alt.. (on windows)
  7. Hmm, I tried save it with Zero Weights, but nothing changed. It's strange that problem is only on hands. And when they proportionally move away from bind pose. Here is the scene. Look at frame 10. Thanks a lot. character_test02.zip
  8. Ok, I really need to normalize it again after loading? Why?
  9. Hello, did you met with that, I saved the weights, load on the same mesh, and when I paste the same pose, there is some "noise" on points position. Before saving weights I normalized them. I have tried everything, I think. On the picture are the same weights before save and after load on duplicated mesh, on same skeleton.
  10. Ok it's problem with autokeyframing, I hoped that autokeyframing sets the key even though on slider was make change through object, or even if it's selected parameter name.
  11. Hmm, there is a problem with multiple rotation of axis. Local rotation in viewport is not represented same way in expresso. It's interpolated between sliders. But bigger problem is animation, when I am keyframing sliders value. There is no way to animate in viewport. Keyframed rotation on sliders override rotating in viewport. And animating of the object interpolate rotation in big steps of degrees.
  12. Wow, thank you, you understand absolutely :), maybe I should study all nodes for complex thinking, not only what I am looking for. For explain, I have hand with controllers on each joint and that controllers are connected to user data (sliders). And I like idea that I am animating in viewport with controllers, sometimes tweaked with sliders, but I can select all sliders and copy/past whole pose of hand, on keyframes or to scenes. I know that there is still new pose manager, but still buggy, for me crashes when added some controllers. And I need to do transition in workflow. So thank you very much.
  13. Thank you very much, it does work. I tryed two xpresso tags, but I didn't think of a switch. Python could be fine.
  14. Hello, please could you help me maybe with simple thing, but I didn't find solution? With parameter (slider) I need control the null rotation, and back with rotating same null set the slider value. I remember in Softimage it was possible with simple (driver) equality between parameters. Like bidirectional connection. Is there any option, python script? For now I just create cycle which is not working. Thank you.
  15. Ok I solve it, if anyone is interested. In character display setting are highlight and visible set to "full" then in motion system layers are displaying these "shadow" bones an controlers. Problem is that if you set it back to object and controlers, in previous added motion system and layers are these settings still active and nothings change. Even more if you create motion clip and save motion source, that display settings are saved inside. So I have to save motion source, delete it and reload. Then insert to layer of new motion system created after right display settings of character for the change to take effect. Crazy.
  16. Ok the layers are responsible for this. When I add second layer, and make some animation, there are flashes two poses on that frame, when I add third layer with third animation, there are three poses flashing....But is there a way to disable it, anywhere? How is it possible to work with this?
  17. Hi Dan and Flima and everyone, I'm sorry for delay. I made simple scene with character template, and import it to itself. After added motion system and rel. layer it makes same glitches to neutral pose. Only what I found out is that, after deleting spine character tag, it disappears... but nothing unusual settings in it. Please if you could have a look on scene, here it is. test.c4d
  18. And sorry Dan, it's same after copy/past to new scene. In other versions of Cinema, I don't know.
  19. When I hide joints in viewport, then the same thing makes nulls, after I disabled nulls, splines, camera, everithing what is ch. template from, it stops. It's kind of selection of rig parts. Maybe offset from zero in default animation layer, I don't know.
  20. Hi Rectro, here is the video, sorry about music inside:), hmm maybe is something with character template, really when I insert Motions on TEH_CHARACTER_GEN null, this is not showing up, it's really looking like bones and nulls, and there is also popup of Spine component name. I'll try look inside the template. 2020-09-07 12-11-30.mp4
  21. Hi guys, thanks for responses. Bezo it's custom made character template, I think very precise after many iterations:) I tryed everything what did you recomend, but nothing changed. I'm sorry FLima I can't to drop out a scene of the company. So I found out something. Rectro I only wanted to tell, that if there is no R/A layer added in to Motions this is not showing up, when I add it, it's showing only when I am moving with mouse near and over the character root. But I used Motions tag right on Character, when I use Motions under that on character root or master ctrl everithing is all right.
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