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    i7 8700k
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    rtx 2080 Ti

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  1. Hello, Im having a bit of trouble with my xparticles emitter, Im not sure why it isnt as accurate as the base C4D emitter. Upon playback the particles spawn from behind the emitter and out of the the emitter (not what I wanted.) This was a nearly fresh Xparticles emitter but when I use a regular C4D emitter it is more accurate. I want it to behave like the regular C4D emitter before I can proceed with tweaking it. I sent my file to someone more experienced but they reported as it not having it happen to them, playback of the particle emission was normal. Im on C4D R19 on build 742. Is there something wrong with my version of C4D or something? Id use the C4D emitter but I need the features of Xparticles like the projectile collision/shattering and xpSound. Edit: Update: Seems that the playback issue is due to the timeline preview range, the issue is somewhat contained when I shrink the playback range. Very strange that I have to do that
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