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Everything posted by Julia

  1. Has someone also experienced, that there are somtimes phases it's working better? Because I tried using the r23 Version again and right now it's still crashing a lot but waaay less, before it crashed like every 5-10min, now that reduced enough so that I can work with it again. And I did not change or update anything. (Though I tried to scale my project today and no matter how small the steps were, the programm immediatley froze, so I did that in r20 and it worked on the first try.)
  2. Hi I have the same probleme here, it crashes constantly. Tried everything suggested on this thread but so far I had no luck with it. Yesterday I thought clearing the preference solved it, because after that it worked but today it's crashing again. Also the shortcut for the bugreport seems not to work, like other people experienced as well. Fortunatley my old R20 licence is still active, so I'm switching back to that for now because I can't work like that, but I really hope this problem gets solved soon, I'll be checking this thread for updates 😄 Operating System and version: Windows 10 2004 GPU and CPU Make and model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-950H Cinema4D version: R23.110 (RC) Student Version What were you doing at time of crash: Happens randomly, for example when switching between view ports (or just moving in one viewport), unhiding all selected itmes or just while adding a loopcut or using the slide tool.
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