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Everything posted by fuzzfilth

  1. Yes, I had found this a year ago, and I may even have borrowed the bit shapes from this kit. However, at the time I was overwhelmed by the Xpresso behind it, and most of all, in this rig you need to tweak all the sliders (which even affect each other) until you maybe get something resembling a real screw, whereas my goal was to set up a rig which always results in a plausible screw with threads that automatically adapt to the correct size and scale.
  2. Tell me about it. Everytime (which is many times) I import something from Sketchup into CD4 and try to apply a realistic micro-bevel to anything beyond a cube, it causes particle explosions and warps in the time-space continuum of epic proportions. I always end up rebuilding the parts from scratch. Ooh. I see what you did there.
  3. Everything is easy if you know how to do it. I might state that inverted Paradiddles between Kick, Snare and Hihat with added Blushdas in 11/8 are exceptionally easy to do and you will probably disagree, unless you too have been practicing drums for a couple decades. 🙃 I had no idea about the Blend mode which ticks pretty much all of the boxes right away, thanks again for that. I will redesign my Wood Screw rig around that. And I'll very likely revisit my already finished Metal Screw rig which can only benefit from this. While I'm at it, I might build an easter egg into it which, with just the right combination of diameter, length, cap form, bit form and material, displays the message "Generously brought to you by Chester Featherbottom"
  4. Yes, I am aware of that. I use it as a convenient way to quickly get to different screw sizes, needing only minor adjustments. Thank you for taking the time to set up the project and for the explanation, I will dissect this and learn from it.
  5. 🤣 Thanks for indulging me I may know just enough to be dangerous. Thank you very much, I will look into that.
  6. Thanks for your reply. Understood. Because the thread and the rod are one, stemming from a horizontal circle spline, which, very much like a maple seed, is swept downwards through a Helix (which itself is straight and just revolves) by a Sweep (which creates the surface from that transformation). In case that spline is a perfect circle, a blank rod (albeit with a twisted surface) is the result, once one of the four bezier points of the circle-made-editable is moved outwards, the thread appears. It still is only one surface. I found this method to give the closest approximation of a real screw thread, which isn't just a triangular sausage wrapped around a pole. So I can't taper the thread separately from the rod, unless I can taper only that one spline point, which is what the question was about. A Loft does not allow for multiple twists, it only ever goes to 180°, then unwraps back to 0°, regardless of the actual amount of turns. Thinking of it, I also just tried an Extrude and a Twist deformer instead, but I run into the same problem as the Extrude also only transforms one single, unchanging state of the spline. I even briefly tried to Boole away the thread with a slightly bigger tube tapered outwards, but that runs into computational problems, because a) the screw is just a surface, not a solid and b) this suddenly creates a zillion subdivision surfaces to compute between both objects which is way too CPU intensive for one measly screw. So I'm still open to suggestions. Thanks again
  7. On further digging, I have managed to put in a Falloff node and steer it with a Linear Field. However, if I move the Field into position, its position affects the entire thread, not just a portion of it. Is the Sweep object just not suitable to do this ?
  8. I'm creating a parametric Wood Screw. Works fine so far, I can set the parameters from a User Data Panel: And looks good enough too: Here's the (reduced) object tree: I'm generating the thread by moving an egg shape along a Helix in a Sweep object. The egg shape consists of an editable Circle Spline with one point P moved outwards. Now, here' the twist: I want to generate a variant which has an unthreaded, blank portion of the shaft visible. I want to do this by gradually moving point P towards the center until it lines up with the editable circle's other three points, thus leaving a blank rod. I have separated this point in an Xpresso node, ready to be driven. The Constant needs to be replaced by a driver gradually going from 0.42 to 0.27 over a defined distance from the screw head. But driven by what ? I have a feeling that I need a Plain Effector and a Linear Field, but I have no idea how these could drive that Point P node in Xpresso ? I have attached the project. Thanks screw.c4d.zip
  9. This works too, thanks. However, if I understand correctly, I have to open the Xpresso tag to fill the Object List, and I'd like to avoid that. This is part of a bigger, re-usable rig for product visualisation which I am currently setting up. You know, the kind where the client says "Can you do one with the yellow floor and one with white background, and small and big sizes and with and without reflections and from this angle and that angle, and this light and that light, and all possible combinations of these variants and can I have it this afternoon, yes I can." This would normally cause me to dive deep into nested trees of dozens of objects to switch one thing on and the other thing off, only to find midway through a render that I forgot to switch the background so I have to do it all over again. The idea is to control all these things from a central panel: Now, this also lets me lock / unlock all cameras without setting keyframes, combine that with three different sky rotations for beauty shot reflections, different product versions, open, closed, etc. The bevels are used to break the ultra-sharp edges on the imported CAD model which look so artificial and to give definition to the edges by reflecting light from anywhere. I have put every on-position of every switch in the Switcher area into its own Take and built a Take tree so I can quickly select which selection of the 180 permutations (I treat Light, Sky Position and Camera as one group) will get rendered to the Picture Viewer without my constant attention. Stuff like this:
  10. Oh, putting an XPresso tag on the BD is perfectly doable. Just tried this, so the Central controller Xpresso tag steers the BD Xpresso tag, which in turn steers the BD's Offset parameter. Duplicating the BD (including its tag) now lets the Central controller steer both BDs' Offsets. This is *precisely* what I wanted. Thank you very much.
  11. In C4D, I have an object, and a Bevel Deformer (BD) as its child. The Offset parameter of that BD is driven by a slider on the User Data panel of an Xpresso tag elsewhere. Now I want to duplicate that object with its BD, or duplicate just that BD into another object, with all BDs' Offset parameters still driven from that one User Data slider. Is this possible ? If I copy the BD, the Driver-Driven connection does not get duplicated. Yeah, I get that it's a different object, but is there a way to include/duplicate that connection ? I have tried Instances of the Deformer, but that didn't work (wasn't surprised, but it'd be dumb not to try). This is part of a bigger setup, so the architecture (several parameters in several objects being driven from one centralized XPresso tag) needs to stay intact. I have included a C4D scene with the basic idea. Thanks BD Driver.c4d
  12. I see. Creating a Python plugin is quite a bit above my pay grade in terms of knowledge, so I'll have to make do with trips to the menu. Thank you.
  13. Yeah, I thought as much. To illustrate, I'm not switching RSs during a render, I'm trying to kind of remote control the normally invisible RS selection in the render menu from an always visible set of radio buttons. Thanks for the answers.
  14. Title says it, really. I don't want to adjust any of the parameters of the selected RS, I want to switch between, say, a selection of three RS, LOW, HIGH, HIGH+DOF by means of User Data radio buttons and an XPresso tag. Got the buttons all sorted out, but how can I access the part where I select which Render Setting to use ? Thanks
  15. Thank you so much for replying so quickly. Yes to all of the above. After confirming that everything relevant in fact is identical between our setups (minus the fact that you numbered your radios starting from 1, not 0) I found the problem. I had the Python node's input port (accepting the radio buttons) set to BOOL (copy/paste from another object where only two radio buttons were needed) instead of INT. Silly me. Note to self: Next time if you're lazy, be clever lazy, not stupid lazy. Thanks again.
  16. Hey there, first post. I'm trying to set up an Xpresso tag which, among other things, lets me choose one of three cameras in a stage object by means of three radio buttons in the tag's User Data. The cameras are accessed via three Link fields which are also in User Data. For this, I have patched the three link outputs of the Xpresso tag node into three link inputs of a Python node, which also takes 0,1 or 2 from the radio buttons. The code is trivial, along the lines of If In_Selector == 0: Out_Link = In_Link1 This works fine for radio buttons 0 and 1, but 2 does not trigger anything. I suspect it somehow being treated as Boolean, with 2 being undefined, but I may well be wrong. Is there a way (or even need) to define a variable specifically as Link ? I have also tried using a Link List with the same radio button setup and this works fine, but requires filling the list from within Xpresso which I need to avoid. This setup must be easily re-usable by even lesser mortals than me, so using the Link fields in User Data is required. So, how do I get the third radio button to select and forward the third Link-Input to the Link-Output of a Python node? Thanks
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