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Everything posted by ZhivkoT

  1. Hi guys! I wanted to ask you how can I make an extrude node offset variation parameter to control another object position? In the attached file you can see the extrude offset variation applied to the "base" object. Is there a way the "top" objects to follow the offset variation, so whenever I adjust the variation the top objects will follow the base? Thank you! Node_link.c4d
  2. Yes, I'm on r25. I tried refreshing, but it still doesn't work. Maybe its something on my side. Thank you again!
  3. Thank you very much for the sample file and explanation! Unfortunately I can't make it work. I tried moving the just the cube, then the null object and then hit refresh, but it doesn't affect the geometry. Is there something else that I can try. Thank you again!
  4. Thank you guys! @HrvojeI'm sorry, could you share an example? I'm not sure how to do it. Thank you!
  5. Hi @MODODO Sorry, just one more question. Is it possible to use this setup that you provided as a geometry modifier, similar to the attached file? I've tried it,but it doesn't work. I'm not sure what I'm missing. Thank you! Effector_node.c4d
  6. Ohh, I'm sorry, I just saw that it is possible to do it through compare node
  7. Hi Mododo, I'm sorry, just one more question. How can I increase the radius of the effector null object? I tried increasing its size and use other object, but the affected area is always the same. Thank you!
  8. Hi Mododo, Thank you for the reply! I'm sorry, could you share an example, I'm not sure how to do that. Thank you!
  9. Hi Hrvoje, Thank you for letting me know. In the release documentation says that fields are not currently supported with the nodes. I'm trying to achieve something similar to the attached file, but using the selection tag generated for the "Store selection" node and then use fields to drive the selection. Field_selection.c4d
  10. Hi guys! I was wondering if there is workaround to use fields with the new selection nodes operator? Thank you!
  11. Hi @HrvojeThank you very much! This is awesome! 🙂 Sorry, just one more question. Previously you provided an example for displaying the numbers of points/polygons directly on to the mesh. I'm not sure how to display them when using "Mesh Primitive group" Which output should I use? Thank you again for your help! Polygon_numbers_display.c4d
  12. Hi guys! I was wondering if it is possible to make an object which is made only from nodes, visible in the object manager, so it can be added in a cloner object or deformer? Thank you!
  13. Hi @MODODOThank you! Could you share the scene file? I'm not sure how to recreate it. How did you managed to keep the chamfer selection, while adding the subdivisions?
  14. I'm sorry for the confusion, I just want to use the setup for a single spline at a time, so I will just swap the spline that is in the extrude object and generate different shape. The main problem is the selection for the vertical edges. The selection gets lost when adding new edges by subdividing the extrude object. I was wondering if it is possible to constantly update the selection or some other way to select those newly generated edges, so when new subdivision is added it will get selected and receive chamfer. I'm attaching a scene with what I'm getting. Thank you again for taking a look, I really appreciate it. Chamfer_selection.c4d
  15. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I was planning to use different spline shapes, I'm sorry for not mentioning it earlier. I was thinking of creating different spline shapes, extrude them, chamfer only the vertical edges and after this adding subdivisions without loosing the chamfer for the newly created edges.
  16. Thank you again for your help! 🙂 I want to procedurally create a cube with chamfered vertical edges. I started with a rectangle spline and then extruded it. Is it possible to select the vertical edges and chamfer them and in the same time to add more subdivision to the extrusion and increase the height while keeping the newly created edges chamfered?
  17. Hi @Hrvoje Thank you for the explanation and the example file, it helps a lot! I didn't now that they should be defined as pairs. Sorry, just one more question. How can I know which pairs to input. For example if I have something like the attached screenshot, how to define the correct numbers and also if I increase the subdivision, is it possible to automatically select the newly created edges, so they also receive chamfer?
  18. Hi @HavealotThank you for the reply! Sorry, I'm still not sure how can I specify which edges to get chamfer without converting the parametric object to polygons and manually selecting the edges. Is it possible to keep the object parametric and define which edges to get chamfer? Thank you!
  19. Just to post few examples of what I'm getting. The selected points receive chamfer, but the edge selection stays unchanged.
  20. Hi guys! I'm having issues with the Chamfer node operator. Whatever string I enter in the "Selection string" field it doesn't affect the geometry. I also tried using the "Selection", "Store selection" in combination with Chamfer operator with its "String selection" set to default, but they didn't affect the geometry too. The only selection node that produces results is the "Ring selection" but it is very limited since I'm not able to add more selections to it.
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