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Christian Johansson

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Everything posted by Christian Johansson

  1. Thanks for this MIGHT, the goal is to build a script that constructs a random constellation of objects (from a library in the file) per each frame in the timeline and spit out a json file for each frame outlining what choices went into the constellation. Going to render a 3D NFT collection so I need to generate meta data. Going to take a look at all your suggestions above and see if I can get it to work.
  2. I am in C4D R25 117 Variable and in-port are named the same, capitalization included. Attached scene file. I am trying a basic test where I try to write the name of the object in the link list into a .json file. python_export_textfile.c4d
  3. Hey All, I am trying to include a string into a json dump text file through the python node. The .json file output correctly but the printing of the variable isn't working. I am basically feeding an objects name [string] into my python nodes input called "obj_input" but keep getting error message in the console saying "NameError: name 'obj_input' is not defined". How would I go about defining it? Python node: import c4d import os import json path = '/Users/user/Desktop/json_export' + '/test.json' with open(path, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(obj_input, outfile)
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