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Ivan de Wolf

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  1. I sent Ahmet a message. Thanks for this! I hope I can get some solutions soon! 😄 Will post something here if I do so
  2. Did another test - indeed a thread works perfectly but only with the physical engine. The documentation given above does not work with getting info from Octane, so I need to look for Octane documentation. I tried to find python documentation for Octane but I can't seem to get anything! Even though there are examples of people scripting in C4D and grabbing Octane data, it doesn't seem like there is an open documentation to find all syntaxes! Very strange...
  3. Thanks for the response. I did go through this but it doesn't seem to work for the following reasons: 1. When I run the script everything gets frozen until the render is complete - I can't even see the progress of the renders as it goes through the frames 2. Somehow progress callback doesn't work if I use an external engine - I am using Octane Renderer, so I'm assuming this documentation only applies for the internal render of C4D? Maybe I am looking at the wrong direction? Maybe I should be looking at Octane documentation and how to grab info from its terminal? Apologies for the somewhat silly assumptions and questions - I am very new to all of this!
  4. Hello! So I've been developing a python script to get render information about my scene. I've been able to create a script which will watch when a render starts and when it's complete, but I've been having trouble with getting current render information such as the frame it is rendering and the time it took, etc. Anyone know how to write this in python? I'm new to this whole thing so I'm not entirely sure how to code it out. I've looked at documentation but the syntaxes are complicated to me.... Here is the code I've written so far: import c4d import os,time,_thread, datetime def isRendering(time,os) : RenderData = doc.GetActiveRenderData() FrameStart = RenderData[c4d.RDATA_FRAMEFROM].GetFrame(doc.GetFps()) FrameEnd = RenderData[c4d.RDATA_FRAMETO].GetFrame(doc.GetFps()) while c4d.CheckIsRunning ( c4d.CHECKISRUNNING_EXTERNALRENDERING ) : #print(c4d.RENDERRESULT_OK) #Here I want to check current frame being rendered and and how long the previous frame took to render: #rdata.GetFrame (Something like this) time.sleep(1) print("render complete.") def main() : c4d.CallCommand(12099) #Render To PV if c4d.CheckIsRunning ( c4d.CHECKISRUNNING_EXTERNALRENDERING ) : _thread.start_new(isRendering,(time,os)) if __name__=='__main__': main()
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