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Mina McCauley

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Everything posted by Mina McCauley

  1. Thank you! I thought I had closed and reopened, but I guess not. I forgot the number one rule for any tech related job -- did you turn it off and turn it back on again??? 😂 That seemed to fix it, so I guess it was just a weird bug. I'm well on my way to becoming a decent C4D artist if I'm already breaking things 🤣 Thank you!
  2. Thank you, I have now uploaded the scene file to this comment and I'll try to add it to my original post in a sec 🙂 I think I did have a polygon component selection before -- that's when I select the entire polygon, right? -- but when I go back to use one of the sculpting tools, it still does the job but it's hard to see with all the orange lines in the way. mike_wazowski_v06.c4d
  3. Hi o/ This is my first time trying to sculpt anything in 3D and I'm having some interface issues. I am trying to follow two different tutorials for sculpting, but neither is having my issue in the videos and I have been unable to google my answer. I finished working on the body and made a new primitive for the leg, subdivided, made editable, then started sculpting. After I started sculping, I went to shift the position by using the Move tool, and when I go back to sculpting, the orange wireframe doesn't disappear. I didn't change any settings while doing this (or not intentionally anyway!) and I'm too new at this software to even know where to look. I'm not sure if a scene file would help, but I also don't know what a scene file is 😅 is it the .c4d project file? I've attached a screenshot that I hope is helpful 🙂 mike_wazowski_v06.c4d
  4. Hi everybody o/ My name is Mina (what everybody in Los Angeles knows me as and I go by professionally -- I have already opened up a support ticket about this 🙂). I am new to the industry, having only graduated this past June and getting a job in May! I am 36 years old, an adult having gone back to school to change careers. I currently work full-time as a VFX and motion graphics artist for a media distribution company in Los Angeles. My specialties are After Effects and Nuke, but my boss really wants me to learn C4D well enough to be able to reverse engineer title animations in various languages, including sculpting, so I'm going to be needing a LOT of help with probably really basic stuff! 😅 My only previous experience was with C4D for a single trimester with R22, so the new interface is giving me a lot of struggle with already not being very familiar with the program. I guess my ultimate goal is to be able to use C4D as well as I can use AE, and then I can move on to Houdini! I look forward to browsing the forums, getting some support, and hopefully getting to know a few of you! 🙂
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