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LLS last won the day on March 7

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  1. yeah it was cloud service. the amount of times i crashed their machine as well 🤣 although i would like to own a system/server like that one day...
  2. hehe, I don't think I'm one to be sold the dream... I've always analysed products on a technical level... I know very well what these systems do underneath I used to be an avid user of xparticles myself so I am completely aware of what it was capable of doing, I've pushed it faar beyond it's capabilities and maxed out 700gb ram machine once trying to push the system... My main point was there was a certain time where it did more than what c4d was providing and filled that gap for a while... I think there's no harm in applauding some good marketing... every product needs it regardless of what it provides in the end... And we are in the motion graphics business, alot of peoples jobs is to create good branding productions, so seeing good work done by Insydium in that area was just an analysis of good production rather than the product...
  3. I'm liking this competition... I wouldn't say they rushed anything tho, i'm pretty sure insydium knew this was coming more than anyone else did. They probably already had a few things prepared. They are pricey as hell especially given the current competiton, however, I still respect their work and I actually still prefer their implementation of particles. I personally still like the even more intuitive design they have got going, where everything fits into nice categories and all the modifiers are stored in the dropdowns from the groups in the object manager. That to me is still much better implementation of handling objects especially for something like a particle system, which comes with so many modifiers... I actually do still hope xparticles sticks around, but yea, it'll be really hard to justify their prices. If they lower prices and provide something even more special with xparticles, I think this would be very fun competition... Actually, I am excited now to see what they can really bring to the table now that C4D is trying to take over simulation... so I do hope they stick around and can stay in business 🙂 Also, I really like the work Bob puts into these videos. I always respected the marketing, its second to none imo. Maxon can even learn a few things off that... Not to drag on for too long but I also want to add: Insydium through the years have shown potential that maxon couldnt effectively provide, and proved that a company like insydium can provide something different and unique from the even bigger players... and I will always repsect them in that regard... I hope this company the best...
  4. ^ oh yeah the frost soft guy. Maxon just recently bought his normal editing plugin and integrated it in 2024 release... I forgot he also made a realtime renderer as well for C4D way before any1 else...
  5. that's still a losing battle for c4d. there is no point on spending development time and resources on something that a billion or trillion dollar corporation like Epic is going to do way better than anyone else. They are focused on the real time market and pretty much are winning in that department. What you're asking for is the equivalent of when autodesk thought that integrating sculpting tools from mudbox into maya would actually compete against zbrush, failing to realise that part of what makes zbrush great is how fast its 'viewport' implementation is and how it can handle millions of polygons through its optimizations. Maya can't have that work for its viewport because sculpting has different requirements. Just because other DCCs are attempting to include real time rendering natively, doesnt make it a good decision for cinema4D. Rather than fomo'ing and chasing industry trends, Maxon is better off coming up with its own set of creative ideas to give it a unique place in the market. Things that other programs like unreal and blender cant provide well enough... Also improving on what c4d already does really well is way better than chasing some industry trend. As for blender being able to imitate close to unreal. 'Close' is not good enough. Unreal is winning that side of things and blender can add it without much fear of losing anything if it falls short.
  6. the problem with real time rendering is that it will never match what unreal engine does. not because c4d isnt capable of doing such thing, it’s just that DCCs arent built the way game engines are built. the reason why unreal engine is so fast is because of the amount of viewport optimizatios it does to get rendering at that speed. these optimizations wouldnt work for a DCC, where accurate data is needed. for example, unreal, just like almost every other game engine of old, does insane amounts of LOD optimizations, eliminating alot of geometry data for performance gains. mesh shading is another use of this… combine with a bunch of other optimizations in the viewport and other areas, unreal can get those speeds. but these types of optimizations dont work well for any DCC because loss of data is not a good thing for a program where data is needed to operate on for modeling/animation/simulations. game engines are always built to look ‘good enough’. DCCs are built to look accurate. therefore, c4d cant truly compete with the real time market. its not its purpose and a market thats not really needed imo… techincally, if maxon wanted, they could make c4d into unreal more than any other DCC. it has directx12. and directx12 supports mesh shading… c4d also has multi instancing, which unreal uses a similar tech to make high geo environments… the tech is there, but the purpose is not…
  7. yea i didnt see he was using mpm until reading the comments of the tweet. however i did check that guys youtube channel and he seems to be a specialist in fluid sim and been doing it for a very very long time. i think his first video dates back to 06-08??? so based on his experience levels im sure he would be extremely valuable to anyone interested in this field of work.
  8. Hire this man! @DMcGavran https://x.com/kotsoft/status/1774077774916886956?s=46&t=8x3ajdiH-hZUKgBIYBcPIg
  9. it is completely possible to build ur own particle system using scene nodes. however, this current particle system is built to work with the unified simulation system that cinema4d has built. this allows the particles to interact with cloth, pyro, rigid and soft bodies. these use a system known as position based dynamics, which if it were a node, would have everything connected to it. bifrost in maya has a node that does pbd. right now the philosophy of cinema4d is to provide the intuitive tools in the object manager, and allow for more custom systems built by technical artists in scene nodes. c4d users are used to object manager so it is still valuable for alot of these things to be implemented in object manager. but if the user requires more advanced setup, scene nodes is available and works really well with the overall c4d architecture.
  10. just finished watching the 4 hour vid by chris. just amazing! congratulations devs and thank you for this amazing release! keep it up maxon!
  11. when is this current new release expected by?
  12. ahhhh very smart of you happypolygon... so that's ur tactic. intentionally playing dumb to frustrate the devs into correcting your mistakes, therefore making them unintentionally leak information! this is the way!
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