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Everything posted by pOem

  1. Hello Kweso, thank you very much for your feedback. Maxon support going through the bin... that type of response is literally from someone who does not care...
  2. Hi Was about to reach them on the subject too, good you did that in advance. Looking forward to hear and have a solution. Thank you very much for the feedback. P.
  3. Thanks for the feedback. Yes, I guess it might be something related to scripting , unfortunately I suck at it 😅 Lets hope someone will find a solution... or perhaps I will contact maxon support directly... But still is a very strange behavior
  4. Its about 15 000 pixels, I know c4d can handle a image this size, the thing is that I use a local render farm and I redistribute the render through team render. If I render 15k straight is very slow to render and some clients just stop or refuse to render. If I use camera tile rig it renders incredibly fast. So, that camera rig in my opinion is the best "tool" regarding render speed in large scale still images. Its a shame now with the update not working that well 😞
  5. Hello Generally I use Camera render tiles from content browser to help me render very large images, but since I currently updated from r21 to r25 now the camera rig does not work as it should and creates weird tiles. From what I have tested here the issue only happens when I place 5 tiles per axis, below work as it should. When using 5 tiles per axis the image is croped and dont know exactly what is creating this behavior... I guess that might have something to do with the new c4d r25 version, python and xpresso used on the camera rig. Does any one know a way to solve this or correct the camera rig? placed here a scene file so that you could test with easy. just scrub through the time line and you will see what I mean. Thanks in advance camera test problem.c4d
  6. Hi No worries, your feedback was very useful. Thank you. In the meantime, will see if anyone will input their thoughts and share with us :)
  7. Hi It will be used in mobile devices like tablets and phones. The AR app it's being created with unity and vuforia. From what I've seen and researched I can use basic materials straight out of c4d. For uv unwrapped textures I can also assign them but have to link the texture manually in unity. For animation I can bake it and use PLA to export as a FBX. Am I right? All knowledge and experience you may have in this field will be very much appreciated :) If you or anyone here knows any known limitations, problems and a good workflow, it would be great if you could share it :) Thank you
  8. Hi I need to create some characters for a Augmented reality and this is something I never did before. Does anyone knows a good workflow or what type of constraints do I have? Like can I use materials full attributes? Can I uv unwrapp and create textures? In animation, can I use Ik or bones structure? And how to export? Sorry, there are lots of questions, but hopefully someone already created this type of things and can point me in the right path. Thank you
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