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Everything posted by Piebaron

  1. it depends what you want to do with it, how many of those w/e-hedron things you need to create and how accurately it needs to adhere to the Weaire-Phelan style. i.e. if you need to make some huge structure with full adherence and accurate / complex animation etc, you probably need to use science software or houdini.. However if its something more simple you may be able to get away with fluking it in c4d, but the approach would be completely based on exactly what you need for the end shot.
  2. wow, Ramon, that spline rigging script sounds awesome. I will try it out soon, looks like the perfect solution for you?
  3. thanks for the heads up, didn't know about this, hope to see something interesting soon.
  4. Hi Ramon, I'm glad you found it useful! Keep in mind, python nodes input and output ports are type specific, so make sure to delete the standard ports that come when you create a python node (unless you are just dealing with floats) and create new ones based on the data you will be feeding into it, e.g. in our case, "link" I just checked the dropbox file and realised (now that I have a tiny bit more scripting exp.) why its not updating the spline after modifying the tangent, the object needs to be sent an update message, in this case, the spline object is Input1, so just need to add this line of code: Input1.Message(c4d.MSG_UPDATE) if this was a script and not in the python node in xpresso, you would additionally need to add this line of code c4d.EventAdd() This also applies when using the Python Tag, I think automatically sends this message every frame. Also, I know earlier I said you need an Object Index node to pass the reference into the python node, I don't think that is the case, I think you can directly feed object into the inlet. So no need for the Object Index node in the example scene file.
  5. Thank you, if I do any frequency isolation or filtering, I tend to do it with VSTs /DAW, I was just trying to figure out if its possible to access sample values from the file, to create a synced sub frame level amplitude waveform.. I guess it's not much of an issue to generate the waveform with different software and import it..
  6. Hello, I know this node is quite esoteric and pretty much nobody uses it since the output can't be rendered. However, I noticed that this node has a port called "sample" and the help file states you have access to each sample in the audio file. So I tried inputting some constants to see if the magnitude would be output at these specified sample indices and I get nothing.. Has anyone used this port before? How is it supposed to be used? Its a long shot but I was wondering if anyone has any experience getting audio magnitude data at a sample level? I'd like to make an accurate audio waveform by iterating samples at the correct project speed. Alternatively, is it possible to get any per-sample data from the special timeline "Sound" in c4d? AFAIK the sound effector doesn't offer sample level audio data.. One alternative I've thought of so far is to just use the sound effector and up the project frame rate and use frame skip, not sure if this would affect motion blur though or have other unwanted effects..
  7. an extra bonus feature, you can make your tangent aim at specific 3D coordinates using this bit 'o' code I found via plugin cafe: vec3=(pos2-pos1).GetNormalized()*scale Input1.SetTangent(pointID, vec3*-1, vec3) Simple!
  8. I just found that to modify an object with a python node, an instance needs to be fed into the link port rather than the object directly, I used the Object Index node to get the instance output, I've updated the dropbox link with my current solution, alternative solutions welcome!
  9. Ok I tried this out and it seems to be setting the tangent without issue, except its not applying the new tangent value to the spline. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pxyzf5m7bmnx2jn/SplineTangentPython.c4d?dl=0 This is mainly due to me not understanding python. I'm trying to do it using the python node since I am comfortable with xpresso. My guess is that after setting the new tangent, I need some way of applying it back onto the original spline object, and at the moment its only happening in the realm of the python node?
  10. Yeah I think you're right, hopefully won't be too tricky using a python node, will post if I get round to trying it out.
  11. Sorry I should have phrased my question better (will edit), is it possible to control these values using xpresso(or another method)? I'd like to have have automated/linked parameter control.
  12. Hello.. I'm messing about with splines today. I was wondering, is it possible to control the handle properties of spline points using xpresso, or some other method? The point node only has the option for controlling position.. I assume the handles have a 3 dimensional vector for their angle/amplitude?
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