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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. Looking solid! Why not pass more light into that room to see it even better :) ?
  2. Hrvoje

    Crying floor

    You should challenge yourself and make each tile different noise pattern ;)
  3. You got it right, so simplified explanation would be Albedo is texture with all shadows and highlights removed Height(map) is usually bump or displacement Roughness is sharpness of reflections Normal is directional surface data AO is self shadowing, but in the case of map it is pretty much a shadow map
  4. Ah, I see. The issue is I have built the scene using R20 and field node. You can replace the field node in Xpresso with similar setup and that will drive the values too
  5. No particular reason, it was first that popped to mind :P
  6. Hopefully I understood you well - is this what you are after? :) Map.c4d
  7. Do you have a scene file? Hard to say what you are really after. My take on swing would be something like this :) Swing.c4d
  8. wow, very cool to see drawing skills to!
  9. Import is numerical but depends on first character as far as I know. For example, if your textures would have been named 01. xx, 02. xx then it works for sure
  10. Maybe I am missing something, but can't you use offset fragments in Voronoi? That scales pieces down and you can have just the outer layer of the mesh? You can even use MoGraph selection and push apart Scale_island.c4d
  11. Seems that for some reason OS is not registering it properly. Do you maybe have other C4D installations on same machine?
  12. Please attach a scene file, will be easier to help. You are on R17?
  13. New lesson available on Youtube! Note that from now on all lessons will be in 1080p - have fun ;)
  14. In short, no, however, you can bake all to frames and then change value on each frame but that looks like a lot of work. Why not simply simulate again? Or, describe what you are after, maybe there are better ways to do it :)
  15. Hm, but this is random, you just have pool o 4 states to make it easier? anyway, you can access id of clone in MoGraph data node
  16. Can you post a scene file of what you have so far? Will be easier to help :)
  17. Ah, I see. You can then use multiple inputs in cloner, try this :) candle_0001.c4d
  18. Hi and to the Cafe Maybe I misunderstood you, but why go through all that process manually through Xpresso? Is this what you are after? Scale_random.c4d
  19. Obvious improvement! If you want more replies we are going to have to see some wires ;)
  20. Yes, a preview file, that is what I meant :)
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