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Everything posted by mrittman

  1. Are there plans to revamp the Xpresso UI?
  2. I'm curious about this too @srek, is Maxon planning to give xpresso a facelift, being it's an integral part of C4D?
  3. Someone on Discord suggested disconnecting that front face, then using the "Project Object" command (camera aligned Z). I think this was the best solution for what I was trying to do. I do wish the Project Object tool had a bit more control, for example selecting the particular object you're projecting onto, more camera settings, etc. *Thanks @akramCord for this screen capture.
  4. Thank you @HappyPolygon, I'll try messing around with the Collision deformer a bit more. I appreciate it. For what it's worth, I thought maybe a formula modifier in the Field list set to pz, would restrict movement in the Z direction, but that didn't the way I had hoped lol
  5. Anyone know if there's a way to restrict the Shrink Wrap deformer to only move points in the Z axis? I'm trying to preserve the cylindrical shape as best I can. I tried messing with some fields, but didn't see anything pertaining to axis constraints.
  6. Hands down AEC4D PRO https://aescripts.com/aec4d/
  7. Thank you srek, I will check that one out 🙂
  8. Thanks so much for taking a look at this srek. I was able to get something similar, but yeah it had the overshoot at the bends. I was also hoping to keep the particles spread out, and not sucked to the spline. Basically what I am doing is a gas flow through a narrow tube. I also tried another technique I found online with the Spline Deformer. Basically remaps the standard particle emitter clones/Matrix TP onto a spline. Then I was able to throw in a Random Effector to give it some variation. I saw that Dave had posted some fire sim stuff on Twitter. Crossing my fingers some of this will eventually be possible without thinking particles 😛.
  9. Hey all, I've created a simple Thinking Particles setup purely based on the included presets. I just have the particles following the spline. I noticed if you increase the particle speed, the particles tend to fall further and further away from the spline curve. I've tried adjusting all the settings, but nothing really works that great. Mostly the Point and Tangent Velocity in the TP Follow Spline attributes. I know some pretty basic xpresso, and trying to mess with some of this more advanced stuff is beyond me. Anyone have any ideas on this one? tp-follow-spline.c4d
  10. Thanks Craig this is certainly something to think about. It really does come down to what value they think they’re getting. Really appreciate all the responses on this. It’s been very helpful.
  11. Ah crap, now I’m even more confused lol. I will say that none of these companies are gonna pay more than $200 to use my videos. I know because anytime I’ve used a number like that in my email response to them, I just get ghosted.
  12. I've really struggled to find pricing of similar training video. It's just really all over the place 😞 I'd say it's a smaller niche training video for single entity academies. Yeah, just to get a lawyer to draft my license agreement was $500, and I don't think I've even made enough on licensing to cover that cost lol. Thanks Mike, this is really helpful. I'll certainly do more research in finding out if these business are commercial or non-profit the next time one approaches me. I think this is where it gets tricky, is because some are commercial and some are non-profit. But great idea on the copyright statement. Maybe I'll insert a notice at the beginning with my contact info for the non-profit folks. This is has been really helpful guys. Just trying my best to balance what to charge these academies while also providing value to them, but also not undervaluing myself.
  13. Not 100% sure haha. What would you suggest if they’re commercial vs non-profit?
  14. Yeah and I think that’s where I am getting stuck. These people that want to use it aren’t making money off it, per se. They’re just wanting to show it in their classroom as a supplement to their other training material. I’m thinking of it from the perspective of a classroom teacher. I don’t think they’d pay $1000 or even $100 for that matter. Just for a 3-5 minute video…
  15. Hey all, I’ve had some firearm training academies reach out to me asking if I sell/license my videos. I really have no idea how to go about this. Anyone ever sell their videos like this before? I did hire a lawyer to draft a license agreement. But I feel like asking a training academy to pay $100 for a 3-5 minute video is too much. They’re probably thinking more along the lines of $20. But then I am also using music in my videos that was purchased and is not sub-licensable. Things can just get real hairy, real fast. If anyone has had any experience whatsoever, it would be very much appreciated!
  16. I have to agree. At least let us know they're still being worked on, if indeed the case. It's quite draining constantly being in the dark about it.
  17. I don’t think you can switch Takes, but you can use xpresso with the Layer system if that helps at all.
  18. mrittman


    From the album: Firearm Cutaways

  19. mrittman

    Firearm Cutaways

    Some still images of firearm animations I've put together the past few years. Created in Cinema 4D and rendered in Corona.
  20. mrittman


    From the album: Firearm Cutaways

  21. mrittman


    From the album: Firearm Cutaways

  22. mrittman


    From the album: Firearm Cutaways

  23. Yeah in my experience, it certainly feels that way as well. I’ve submitted quite a few requests over the years. Some of which I know would be relatively easy to implement. Not one has ever made it into release. Yet folks like Chad Ashley can throw a tweet out asking for green checkmarks to come back, and look what happened…
  24. Will it finally be enough to warrant an upgrade from R21… 🙃
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