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Everything posted by deck

  1. Maybe this trick from Rocket lass could help you out, looks to be about an hour and 15 mins into the vid where they start talking about mapping a texture from one object onto another by having a slightly bigger copy of the object around a simpler and UVed model. This model has a 100% reflective surface which sees the only the slightly bigger copy. Sounds a bit abstract now Ive typed it but its all clear in the video, possibly / probably only works for certain subjects. Deck
  2. Cheers Dast Just found the email, I should take time to set it up properly. I never have found an ideal layout but figured I could get close with dials. Thanks again. Deck
  3. Hi Dast Im using Dials on my R18, should I upgrade my plugin or is the new version just for later versions of cinema. Cheers Deck
  4. Can you not use a simple box falloff on your shader effector. Deck
  5. There are ways to this with xpresso by indexing each clone and I think also a method with the formula effector but both of those are beyond me so whoever I have this situation where clones are packed tight together I like to use the inheritance effector. So you set up your sim on another set of nicely spaced clones that can be off set and or turned off in render / viewport. Then use an inheritance effector to apply that movement to your main clones. In the eg below I have used the re effector to contain the inheritance and turn of both x and Z positions leaving only the Y. This way you can approach any clone with an effector, space them out more to give yourself more time between movements etc etc. Deck Rectangle-Slices_0001.c4d
  6. Not sure why the weight from the random didn't transfer to the color properly, but you could use the shader effector for both colour and scale like below, but obviously the noise is different to your current setup. Best to use two shader effectors, one for col and one for scale, just make sure you use the same noise in each one. Deck RedBack02.c4d
  7. Ah, think I have something not quite right there as the size doesn't seem to correspond to color at the mo, I will look into that if I get a moment. Deck
  8. There are a few ways you could do this but with your current setup the easiest may be the eg below. You have two materials on the cloner, red ( blue ) on the inside and white outside, the white has an alpha channel with the mograph color shader in it, you can drive this alpha with an effector to change its brightness. You could do it with the same random but you get more colour control with another effector. So the shader effector is set to black, making everything red as it hides the white, in order to create the same pattern as the random you can add weighting into your random effector as well as scale etc, the shader effector then uses the weighting to drive the amount of colour / black in the alpha. Deck Edit, you can use the strength sliders in the shader or the weight slider in the random to tweak the strength RedBack01.c4d
  9. I think your on the right track tho Im no expert, looks like it will work and you can add more control loops where required. In terms of the taper, instead of extruding them out you could have rotated them out from one end. Not sure if you can do them all together but quite often with something like this you would make just one segment and put it in an array or a cloner. So from this point you could either slice it up or do each one individually, ie select the top extruded polys, get the rotate tool but adjust the modelling axis to the bottom, then you can rotate the top back in a bit. Deck
  10. You can put an alpha in a foreground object and so render everything around your object a flat colour ie black, you may want to expand it a bit tho to make sure your real object edges are included in the render. Deck
  11. Hi Bryan Couldn't make it work with the displacer, but you could use a cloner and the rate parameter as in the example below. You would need to make it a single path tho or you get 2 clones like below. Also to keep the rate constant you should change the points to uniform. Deck AlignToSpline_0001.c4d
  12. I kinda new there would be a pertinent point I had overlooked 🙂 Deck
  13. I may well be wrong or missing something here and I hate to contradict the previous more experienced members, but if I set up a simple pose morph on a cube and move a few points around, if I then put the strength on say 75%, and Command / click "add pose" then I get a new pose at 75%, it sticks it in the middle and renames the current pose so you have a Pose 0 at the new 75% and a new pose 1 at the 100% giving 3 poses including the base. Apologies if I have missed some perinitent point, I couldn't say if its the same with proper character stuff as that's not my thing. Deck
  14. still seems a bit wide open at the moment, but I think if I was doing it then I would build the building first and then use the effectors etc ( multiple effectors with animated moving falloff ) to remove all the parts at which point you could animate them back in with a bit more finesse than you used to remove them. You could use planes to set up the walls, using the width / height segments to layout any bricks / panel counts, then you can use those to clone onto in object mode, if you use a panel / brick the same size as the poly segments and hide the plane it gives you a quick way to move walls around couple of examples below, one moving in and one scaling up. Using a plain effector but with a random effector varying the clone weight. Deck Buildinblocks 01.c4d Buildinblocks 02.c4d
  15. you can set a loop period in seconds in the noise shader, dunno if you need an even number of frames for that. Deck
  16. In your sky texture you have your blue sky image in the colour channel , if you turn that off and put in the luminance channel then your bake seems to work. At least here in my R18. Deck
  17. Not sure what's going on with your file but if you have access to cinevercity you could try their VR cam which puts out a result like below, not sure what you are expecting as the sky is tiled so hard for me to judge if its working correctly. Deck PS, you will get a spherical panorama from this process but whether or not it is HDR ( high dynamic range/32bit ) depends on the images you input and your render settings from cinema. But you cant put in an 8 bit image and expect to get a HDR come out.
  18. Nice one Jed, so simple when you know how. Mine looks positively primitive by comparison 🙂 Deck
  19. Heres a sort of fix tho it does involve a little setting up and one effector for each line, but only one keyframe. If you set up your effectors like grab below with box falloff you can see how they will all move across and reveal your text. Another plain effector in this scene to first hide the letters. My first thoughts were to look at the letter index in a fracture object but the index doesn't seem to flow in a logical manner. This way takes a little setup but works well and can be tweaked quite easily by moving the individual effectors to change line timing. Depends how many lines you have I guess. Ive made different sized boxes here but probably easiest to make all same size and just slide the lower ones progressively left. Deck Guessing someone may be along with a smarter more elegant solution, this one being a bit analogue if we can call it that. letter test 01.c4d
  20. No Worries Teknow, all credit to the author really. Cant remember how I stumbled upon it but may well have been from here. It was very interesting and a great alternative for clouds etc. Deck
  21. I reckon you could go a long way with just volumetric noises in a light, link to a guide below and there's even an example for a nebulae some way down the page. results are pretty much live so its a very fast method too. Tho Im sure a full blown sim would obviously look better. Deck https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/articles/surprising-volumetric-effects-in-cinema-4d-part-1-the-magic-of-visible-lights.html
  22. I will investigate, I only ever used it to level out points, but have since learned to use the scale to zero technique and so never went back to it. Cheers Deck
  23. You can make it work by pointing the displacer at a texture on another plane, which you can hide from view. Changed mapping on plane from UVW to flat to make it work. Deck simple displacer problem 02.c4d
  24. Glad it worked for you, I always forget its not in the mograph menu which may be why it might get overlooked. The depth of cinema seems endless, Im not a pro user ( semi maybe ) but have been tinkering for ages and I still come across things I feel I should have known about. A wonderful endless distraction. Deck
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