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Everything posted by sadhoney

  1. Hi, This technique demonstrated by Joey Camacho at NAB2000 using Redshift: The greyscale color values of clones drive a selection from essentially an array of different materials, ie. not driving a parameter of a single material but actually selecting and applying distinct material nodes (I suppose submaterials in octane). Anyway, can this setup be recreated in Octane? Google recommended looking in to Ocante "instance" nodes - however, looks like it'd require multiple objects and/or instances of objects rather than a single object cloned as in the example.
  2. Yes - that does what I wanted. Thanks much for that.
  3. not sure, i think that'd be the ticket if cube wasn't primitive and i was in point, edge or poly. Here's my file attached UnderlyingPrimativeResolution.c4d
  4. Hi, In R25 I can't get back to old view settings ... a 2x2x2 cube plopped into a SS used to look like attached in my old settings and I can't replicate in R25. All I see is the orange object selection boundary, not the cube bits. Tell me some things to click please ! thanks
  5. thank you for this. I futzed around with this - attached. I can randomize size in the emitter BUT don't have as much control over the distribution (eg. with a curve to adjust bias). And then things got a little complicated when eliminating speed, sticking to a surface and trying to control fade in and out with a moving field. SizeUp.c4d
  6. Hi - I want to scale up particles to random size and then scale them out over their (random) lifespan. I found this quicktip describing a method for doing this but the particle radius doesn't look random to me. Nor does it appear random in my attempt (see upload file). Here is the qucktip: https://www.patreon.com/posts/quick-tip-x-in-39169031 You set randomness with user data and then an xpScale modifier mapping (radius to User Data). Then for the scale up and scale down you add another map this time radius to Lifetime. It looks like this second mapping takes over completely and overrides the first mapping's randomness on radius. Any suggestions? THks ScaleUpOut_randomSize_and_Lifespan.c4d
  7. Well, here's an XPresso solution implementing a small python script. (source below) https://cinemaplugins.com/quick-tip-19/ This setup just pops out a (single) random clone every 30 frames. Next, I'd like to figure out a way to do something like this without XPresso. Anyone have an idea I can try out? -- thks Mograph_Xpresso_RandomSelectClone.c4d
  8. Hi, I want to do something (say move with a plain effector) to one single, random cloner and I want to do this every 30 frames or something. I'd love to learn an Xxpresso and non-Xpresso way. One approach I tried was to set up an Xparticles emitter on 10 polygons and pulse every 30 frames and effect a vertex map. My thinking was I could then transfer that vertex map to a mograph selection tag's falloff. Failed, not sure Xparticles falloff plays friendly in that setup and I found setting up an analogous rig w/ regular particles too tricky. Xpresso I couldn't figure out how to address an individual cloner ID (though maybe feed a random number to select a clone via ID. Am I overlooking a simple solution? Formula effector I could get at individual IDs, but not doing it every 30 or so frames.
  9. That got me on right track, thanks. Ended up with following setup: Shader effector with paramaters turned off, Visibility clicked *AND* "use Alpha" unchecked made everything invisible. Then a Box falloff revealed a sliver of "crowd". Then an animated noise in a Shader field set to Subtract made a few random flash pops and the whole thing can just be moved across.
  10. Hi, Goal is to *kinda* simulate flashes from cameras in crowd. I've got animated noise in a Shader effector controlling the visibility of clones. OK so far. But I next want to restrict those random flashes to a moving band, sort of a moving rectangle - like a crowd wave effect. Anyway, I'm close with a linear falloff field but all the cloners outside the field are visible and I wan't them to be not visible. Played some with blending, inversing and adding a second falloff field, but no luck. Would appreciate any help. THks! Crowd_Lights_1.c4d
  11. Follow up - Secondary motion accomplished with shader effectors children of object I want to move (which is in turn child of the spheres that I set to not display, ie. cones just inherit spheres motion up and down) and then shader set to object mode with random 'H' rotation. works. thks.
  12. Hi, I've got a Plain Effector with a Linear falloff applied to a blended cloner. I'm key framing the "Modify Clone" property of Plain Effector to transition from intial to final blended cloner state. I want some spring. So added a Delay effector. However, it doesn't do anything. I understand the fact that I've keyframed the modify clone property might be problematic. Or is there a workaround? Maybe a different approach? thank you for reading DelayFail.c4d
  13. Thank you for this. Would this approach preclude me from adding a secondary motion (say, vibrate or rotate) to the sphere clones that are no longer in a mograph generator?
  14. Hi - I've got some noise moving a grid of cubes up and down. I have another grid of spheres and I want them to float over the cubes and follow the movement in synch. Problem is cubes being moved by scale on y parameter. So if I use same shader noise the scale of my spheres will be effected, but I don't want that. So I tried the same shader noise on the sphere cloner's 'y' position parameter, but can't really get to synch perfectly. Futzed around a bit w/ constraints but they wanted to look at original object position (instead of adjusted moving cloner positions) and its really just a face of cube moving not entire cube. Anyway, can someone suggest something? LogoTower_WIP.c4d
  15. Hi - I can't get this to work. Im on C4D20, is that an issue? Anyway, its a pretty straightforward (but awesome) "golden triangle" mograph setup by Noseman, outlined in his 10 min tutorial here - https://www.cineversity.com/vidplaylist/siggraph_2020_tips I've gone through several times, and dag nabbit ... anyway, appreciate any help. Thks. GoldenTriangle_Loop_Noseman.c4d
  16. Hi - I can't figure out why this isn't animating Clone has plain effector w/ Modify Clone = 100 Plain effector falloff has Shader effector with Color remap and an animated noise. I expected to see randomly colored clones changing colors w/ the animation. I'm doing something wrong but am stumped. Thanks AnimateProblem.c4d
  17. Thanks - that worked (change noise space) Subdividing mesh prior to cloning gives random color - but breaks the circular shape. Guess I could just subdivide a slice, bake down and then clone. That works. Thanks for help.
  18. Hi, I've got a Shader effector with an animated random noise driving color of clones via a color shader. Works as I'd expect when cloner is linear. Get the random coloring on the clones. But when cloner is radial the clones are no longer effected on an individual basis just as a whole. Why? I can't figure it out. BONUS - I'm cloning a piece of pie radially. But when I subdivide the pieces aren't flush to form a circle. So I use a connect object but that KILLS my animated noise coloring. How can I get around this problem? see attached. Thanks for looking. ClonerRandomRadial.c4d
  19. Here's the way I did it - if you increase particle lifetime you can see the transparency effect a lil better RandPuddleSplashesParticles_xpSprite.c4d
  20. I'll try xpColor modifier. I also solved this way: Use an xpSprite disk with huge inner radius so it looks like a circle spline. Put a regular material on it. Then, in the Transparency channel use xpSpriteShader and attach the xpEmitter to it - then just need to select Mode = 'Parameter Dependent' and choose paramater = particle life and use B/W gradient.
  21. Not exactly - I see you keyframed transparency in the material, which changes transparency of all the particles the same way. ie. at any given time the transparency of all particles is exactly the same. I guess what I really want is that transparency to fade in relation to how old each particle is, so at any given time the particle transparencies will be different depending upon how old they are. Thanks for your help on this.
  22. Hello - I'm generating circle splines and growing them up. But I'm stuck on how to fade color to transparent. I have an xpMaterial on xpGenerator but playing with transparency over time doesn't give me what I want. And if I move the xpMaterial onto the emitter the entire circle volume is rendered instead of just the spline. thks for help if you can! RandPuddleSplashesParticles.c4d
  23. Yes - Indexed check box did the trick, dang, thought I clicked everything
  24. I tried random effector animated noise, too, but the motion still doesn't look random in 3D space3 - only on a 2D plane. On my file upload if you turn offshader effector and activate random effector and then pan around all the clones are on 2d planes moving around instead of all 3d directions.
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