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  1. Past hour
  2. We're inviting 3D artists to participate in our "Steampunk: New History" competition, where you can showcase your creativity and skills in modeling and rendering steampunk-inspired objects.Your task is to create a 3D model of a steampunk vehicle, mechanical device, gadget, or invention, and place it in an atmospheric 3D environment to make a stunning rendering. Let your imagination run wild and create a unique piece that captures the essence of the steampunk genre, which combines Victorian-era aesthetics with steam-powered machinery and retro-futuristic designs.Please read the full contest rules here.Focus on crafting intricate details, realistic textures, and complex mechanisms that bring your object to life. Consider how your creation would function in a steampunk world and how it fits into the larger narrative of this alternate history.In addition to the visual appeal of your work, we'll be paying close attention to the originality of your concept, the quality of your 3D modeling, and the overall presentation of your scene. We're looking for renders that not only showcase your technical proficiency but also tell a compelling story and immerse the viewer in the steampunk universe you've created.We will be accepting submissions from March 20th to June 5th.Get ready to transport us to a world where steam power, clockwork, and innovation reign supreme. Happy modeling! RULES https://3dmodels.org/steampunk-new-history/#rules
  3. I don't see anything hinting to a download action after this step
  4. Took a quick look and it seems you have to enable fk in controls to get the hips to move the arms. There are some ik/fk switches but I am not sure how functional they are, it would take a lot of time to dissect the rig itself. Make sure you change the display to show full hierarchy in OM, it will be easier to troubleshoot
  5. Today
  6. should be fine, check now please
  7. Yesterday
  8. 1. Never use dynamics to drive a certain look on your hair. Use grooming tools and hair materials. 2. You can drive the clumpiness using vertex maps. From what I see from the VRAY example a simple noise was used to drive the bendiness not the clump. Your clumps may be limited by the Keep Length option as the manual suggests
  9. I'm liking this competition... I wouldn't say they rushed anything tho, i'm pretty sure insydium knew this was coming more than anyone else did. They probably already had a few things prepared. They are pricey as hell especially given the current competiton, however, I still respect their work and I actually still prefer their implementation of particles. I personally still like the even more intuitive design they have got going, where everything fits into nice categories and all the modifiers are stored in the dropdowns from the groups in the object manager. That to me is still much better implementation of handling objects especially for something like a particle system, which comes with so many modifiers... I actually do still hope xparticles sticks around, but yea, it'll be really hard to justify their prices. If they lower prices and provide something even more special with xparticles, I think this would be very fun competition... Actually, I am excited now to see what they can really bring to the table now that C4D is trying to take over simulation... so I do hope they stick around and can stay in business 🙂 Also, I really like the work Bob puts into these videos. I always respected the marketing, its second to none imo. Maxon can even learn a few things off that... Not to drag on for too long but I also want to add: Insydium through the years have shown potential that maxon couldnt effectively provide, and proved that a company like insydium can provide something different and unique from the even bigger players... and I will always repsect them in that regard... I hope this company the best...
  10. Another question while we are on the subject, is there a way to reduce the size of the clumps? I tried everything but I was not able to get smaller clumps like in the Vray fur. Here is with C4D and Corona: And here is using Vray fur where I can tune the size of the clumps:
  11. Thanks, yes I know how to transform in real hair, I'm afraid the object may become too heavy to handle. I saw there's also a cache system on the hair but I'm not able to get it to work.
  12. Oh I see what you mean. Hmmm. not sure about the 'right' way to do that, but you can stop the anim at the frame you want and do a current state to object on the hair, which will get you a hair-renderable spline of the current state, but then of course you have lost the parametricity and subsequent dynamics without linking it to a new Hair object, which I am not currently sure how to do, but seem to recall it is a doable thing ! CBR
  13. Beppe has a workaround here for octane particle colour https://render.otoy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=86&t=83356&sid=98e2db531431872bf04cdbcf94835f20
  14. Thanks a lot for your answer, probably I didn't explain myself well.. I like the look of the fur at frame number 3 but if I disable dynamics and go back to frame 0 I don't get the same result. Is there a way to freeze the state of the fur at frame 3? This is frame 3: And this is frame 0:
  15. Looks like Insydium was shaken from the last C4D update and rushed to add some similar features
  16. Oh snap the shop is still not working. Anywhay I'll wait for a PM
  17. Yes - this is the idea. Thank you so much for taking the time to play with this! I really appreciate it. I had come up with this solution before and, you're right, it is annoying 🙂 I was hoping for a more elegant solution where I could clone the single assembly and get the same affect, thereby keeping my cloner work single and easy to manage and update. Now I wonder if I can make a system like this and use set driver/Driven to keep the cloner values the same for each one with a single input interface. More experimenting to be done! Thanks again!
  18. Hello, I am not an experienced rigger so I rely on C4D´s Character Object. Recently I educated myself with Cineversity´s Intro to Rigging Course ( https://cineversity.maxon.net/en/series/hands-on-with-maxon-intro-to-rigging-in-c4d?tutorial=hands-on-with-maxon-intro-to-rigging-in-c4d-part-5-more-on-the-character-object-and-features ). In Episode 5 (1:40:00 into the video) Joe Herman adjusts the Arms in the Collar_con+ Controller slider menu to follow the Shoulder. He also has access to a Shoulder Controller that is deactivated by an expression in my downloaded scenefile. When I switch the Arms to follow the Shoulder to 100% (on the Collar_con+ Controller) and then rotate the hips, the Arms still don´t follow. My question: Were changes made to the Character Object? Or am I missing something? How can I rotate the hips/spine of the character and move the arms along with it? Hope this question isn´t super dumb. Thanks. 02BipedCharacterRigged.c4d
  19. Is this what you want ? Not so straightforward as it can't be solved using only one Cloner. And it can get a bit frustrating as you have to manually adjust positions through the cloner and/or change the Pivot positions of objects spotlight targeting.c4d
  20. You should be able to simply turn hair dynamics off in the object settings, so your question mentioning disabling dynamics has confused me somewhat. Additionally, you can use any of the hair styling tools, which has much the same effect and auto-disables dynamics. CBR
  21. Hi everyone, I need some help with C4D hair system, I already get the desired look but I need to figure out how to "freeze" the movement of the hair so that even if I change frame or disable dynamics the look is still the same. Any help will be much appreciated;)
  22. I'm aware of this and use it a lot for other applications where the model is one object. I can't use target effector because I'm trying to clone a mechanical assembly that has different moving parts. The constraints with up vectors let me do this for one. I'm trying to get an instance or a cloner to point to the same target as the original. I just made an instance quickly to screen grab what I'm trying to do, but I want it to work with either ideally.
  23. What about the Target Effector ? Why are you using the Instance Object instead of a Cloner ?
  24. Last week
  25. Hmm - that just makes the instance go all squirrelly and spin to obscure angles. I need it all to be inside of one assembly so end users can toss it into a cloner and get expended behaviors. Perhaps it's not possible, but I'm not giving up hope yet! Thanks for your thoughts on this.
  26. I would put additional aim constraint tags on the instances, which should override the one on the original provided they appear below it in the OM. OR if that didn't work I would hide the original off-camera somewhere, and remove the aim constraint from it but not its instances. For nested hierarchies like this it might mean making instances of the things inside the main null rather than the parent null itself. CBR
  27. I should have mentioned that this is part of an assembly that has multiple parts that need to work together, so I can't just use a target tag. The Head and Yoke must work in tandem while they base stays fixed.
  28. Thank you 🙂 I wanted more smokie inside but it made everything too pale and bright.
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